Crazy Woman *

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I was in the dark alley, just behind the Pig's Eye Inn. Watching from a distance at the men that had been following me for the passed three hours. They looked around like lost puppy's searching for me. I had slipped their tail as soon as I come down here. This was my part of town boys and you sure don't belong here. "So seems like you have company" I knew who it was there was no need for me to turn around I had heard him coming up behind me. Black moved my hair from the side of my face whispered in my ear. "I have what you need" with them words I turned to face him walking back the way he had come from. Slipping into another darken alley I turn to face him. Holding out my hand he pulled an envelope from his pocket handing it over to me. I peaked inside, pleased with what I saw I reached into my own pocket pulling out a role of cash. Holding it up so it was within his eye sight. Placing it into his jacket pocked I tapped it "you never saw me, never heard of me,it was pleasure doing business with you." With them word said I slipped out from the alley and made my way back toward the exit of the underground.

When I arrived back at my apartment the two goons that had been trying to follow me for most of the day where waiting there. I rolled my eyes as I stepped out of my car walking towards the elevator. It had been a week since the shooting at Johnny's place a week since these goons had been following me around. I had not talked to him or Tony for the fact I had been staying out of the way doing jobs when I got sent information. From hunting someone down and leading their half living corpse towards the basements of Tony and Johnny's clubs or warehouse. I would not stick around long enough to come into contact with any of them. Zach would be the one to give me my money when I had delivered what they wanted then I would leave. I had my own plans to make, was to busy with them then to think about anything els.

As I pressed the button on the elevator panel someone placed their  hand in the door stopping it from closing and going up. I  huffed in annoyance as the doors open again and showed Johnny standing on the other side. He stepped inside and pressed the button to my floor. He never takes his eyes of me as the door closes behind him and the elevator start to move. "Rose" the words are hard from his lips. "Boss" I reply not looking his way but passed him waiting for the doors to open. "Where have you been" he steps towards me just as the door open I move to the side then around him exiting the tinny room. I don't answer him back as I have no need to. I am not his property he does not have control over my whereabouts  and what I do. As I go to type in the code to enter my apartment I feel his hand wrap around my wrist as he roughly turns me around to face him. "Answer me now" he shouts at me. I pull my arm out of his grip as I step towards him. "I don't have to answer to you" I feel the venom lace my words as I spit them from my mouth. Anger boils within me as he grabs me and slams me against the door. "Listen to me close here Rose, I am not someone you want to piss off so don't push me." His face is so close to mine I can see the threat in his eyes.

That is when I do the unthinkable I laugh, not a scared little timid laugh a full blown crazy woman laugh. His grip looses on me as he lets go and I full on laugh gripping hold of my stomach as cramps start to form. Then as soon as it start I stop at the click of a finger. I straighten up and look into his eyes "you know what Johnny, I am done" I reach behind me pulling out my gun and hand it over to him. He looks at me and then the gun confused. "Ok I get it I will do it for you then" I place the gun to my temple with my finger on the trigger "is this what you want?" His hand reaches out as he pulls the gun away from me "Rose." I hold my hand up and drop down to my knees "ok fine if that is not it then maybe this is." I reach forward my hands going to his belt as I go to undo it. His hands clamp over mine "stop Rose, what has gotten into you?"

With them words I drop my hands and stand up looking up at him. "What do you want from me Johnny, I suck your dick, I ride your cock, I have sex with you, I hunt down your fucked up list of people and then I kill them if needed." I take a deep breath and lower my hands that I was flailing about as I rant. "I do everything that you ask of me, but tell me Johnny what the fuck do you really want?" I look into his eyes as he stares at me. His lips don't move and I don't have time to fucking stand around and wait for his answer so I turn my back on him really not giving a shit anymore and type in the code to my apartment. When the door opens I turn to face him one more time. His eyes are still pinned on me, the cold eyes that I first saw then we first met. I shake my head and press the button to close the door behind me as I walk further into my apartment.

Sitting on the sofa I pull the envelope from my pocket and open it up. Inside is the list of people names that I have been searching for. For a very long time, Lint  had done most of the hard work finding me them numbers he said this was the start and he was right. All I needed was someone to make sense of them number and Black was the perfect guy for the job. My eyes flicked over the list of names till it fell upon one name that shocked me. My fathers. This list was the list of people that had gotten them self into some trouble. Some time ago now, I had been placing all the evidence together and it all fit into place. I knew why. I knew it all and my heart ached at the though of it. The reasons behind my parents death and the abuse that I went though when I was younger was screaming at me in the face. Money,power and title. I was sickened to the core that this was all over that three small things that mean so little. Every person on this list was dead. I knew it already, I shook my head as I walked over and burnt the paper in my hands. It was time I had waited long enough.

Sat at the bar to Tony's club I ordered another drink this time a light one not my normal whisky. I just wanted to have fun tonight at least for one more night before all hell broke loose. Everything was set in motion I had already taken the steps that was needed to be took and my mystery man was all sorted. Yeah I bet you where wondering where he went well let me fill you in. So happens that my mystery man went and happen to drive off a cliff well less then two hours ago. His car went boom and his body burt. That peace of shit had been pissing me off all week ordering me about telling me what to do. Shouting at me in anger when he found out I fucked Johnny. I had black hunt him down after I dropped of a few bills his way. He was more then happy to do it for me. That was the other little peace of information that I found in my envelope. Happened to be some fan boy of mine let me say high tech fan boy. He told me it all as I stood over his beaten body. Said he followed me for years loving my work and wanting to be close to me. That guy was sicker then me so I though it had been best to give him one last gift. Make him one of my victims and put him out of his misery.

Taking a swig out of the bottle in my hand I placed it onto the counter and stood up. Now where was I, I though oh that is right, fun. I swayed my hips as I moved onto the dance floor.


Sitting in the booth at the VIP section of my brothers club I watched her as some dumb slut tried her hardest to get my attention by running her fingers up and down my leg. It was only this morning since my last time seeing her. She was a mess, crazy I don't know what has happened to her but I sure know it fucked her up. And all I could think about was fixing her. I knew she was mad at me scratch that she was ready to kill. But she had me twisted around her little finger. I was hooked on her, yes she frustrated me to no end. I had never had anyone talk back to me or disrespect me the way that she has. But in some sick twisted way I loved it. Craved it the challenge that she gave me. The way my dick sprang to life with just the look of her eyes. Even when she was angry all I could think about was ripping her clothes off and burying myself between them leg. Don't even get me started on her legs. "Fuck" I said out loud all the guy around the table turn to look at me. But I dismissed them with a wave of my hand. What had this girl done to me. I tell you what she has done turned you into a puppy who is whipped and on a leash. I pushed my thoughts aside keeping my eyes on her as she danced to her own beat. That dress she was wearing was leaving nothing to the imagination and I could tell from all the looks she was receiving that I was not the only man to notice.

I don't know how long I watched her for, feeling my cock twitch to life and the slut that was now under the table sucking on my dick though it was by her doing. I grabbed her hair as I moved her head up and down keeping my eyes on rose. I felt my breathing getting heavy and I could feel myself getting closer and closer. Then I looked down and it went away I roughly pulled the slut away from me in discussed. Pushing her into the direction of my brother who had some girls tits in his face "suck him, your not doing it for me" I said harshly. Zipping my pants back up I turned my head back to rose as I heard my brothers groans. When my eyes found her anger raged within me. Some guy had his hands all over her. He had his hands all over my woman, I see red as I push myself away from the table and storm towards them.

And here you go what's going to happen? Keep reading to find out

Next chapter will be here soon. I won't leave you beautiful people hanging long.


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