Chapter 56. Surprises keep coming

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As the party started to calm down some of our family had decided it was time for them to leave. A lot of us were still wet from playing in the pool me, and Tae especially since he seemed to enjoy dunking me every chance he got. I was glad to see that everybody was gettin along, and having a great time. Even Quan showed up to give me his gift, and to see his god-son which he seemed the happiest about. What surprised me the most was the fact that him and Tae were actually getting along with eachother. If you call a head nodd, a fake smile, and the fact that they weren't fighting getting along. After we all dried off I was playing with KJ, but he was kind of cranky because my little man was sleepy. As I tried to rock him to sleep Tae, Ms.Jackson, Lora, and the rest of my family were cleaning up all the food from the party so we could leave. By the time they were done KJ was knocked out as I strapped him into the car seat so we could head home.

Tae: Baby.(he yelled walkin to the truck)
Yatta: Whats wrong bae?(I asked looking in his direction after closing the door so he wouldn't wake lil man up)

I turned around into him bear hugging me lifting my feet off the ground with several pecks on the lips.

Yatta: Tae stop.(I said while laughin inbetween his kisses)
Tae: I love you shawty.(I said smiling lookin into my eyes)
Yatta: I love you too now put me down big head.
Tae: Did you have fun?(he asked lowering me but still holdin onto my waist)
Yatta: This was one of the best days of my life. Bae I honestly can't tell you how amazing this day has been. I don't think anything will top this day.(I said smiling)
Tae: I know one that will.
Yatta: What?
Tae: Our wedding day.(I he said cheesing)

When he said that all I could do was smile thinking about the day when I would share the same last name as my son, and his father.

Ms.Jackson: Alright love birds break that shit up, and help me get this food in the car so we can get out of here.
Lora: Tae I should kick yo ass. How the hell you gone run off to play kissy face while we carrying all this stuff ole high yellow nigga.
Tae: Man shut up I had to make sure my babies was iight I was coming back damn.
Ms.Jackson: Who the he-
Tae: I was talkin to Lo ma.
Ms.Jackson: I bet you was. Now y'all go get the rest of that food I'm tired.

Once we got everything loaded into the cars we made our way home. Tae took all the stuff upstairs to our apartment then helped me with getting KJ inside. The closer we got to the door I kept hearing this rustling sound that made me stop in my track. Tae was just up here I know ain't nobody broke in that fast, but you can never be too sure especially since I had my baby here.

Yatta: Bae what's that?
Tae: What you mean shawty?(he said still carrying the last of the bags not really paying attention)
Yatta: That sound coming from our apartment.(I said standing still and he bumped into me a little)
Tae: Come on shawty damn why you trippin.(he snapped)
Yatta: Kwantae I hear something coming from inside there so me and KJ are stayin OUT HERE.(I said sternly)
Tae: Damn Yatta you know how to spoil a damn surprise.(he said goin inside)
Yatta: What you talkin about Tae?(I asked confused)
Tae: Bring yo scarey ass on.
Yatta: I ain't scarey.(I said following behind him)

As I trailed slowly behind him into our home he put down all the bags then went into our room. I went to put KJ in his crib before going to see what Tae was doing. 

Tae: Baby come here.(he yelled from the room)
Yatta: Hold on bae I'm layin KJ down.(I whispered loudly back)

When I was sure KJ wouldn't wake up I went back into the living room where Tae was.

Yatta: What the hell is wrong with you why you yellin, and shit when you know KJ sleep.(I snapped slappin the back of his head)
Tae: My bad bae chill, but check this out.(he said laughin turnin around)
Yatta: I don't see what's so damn funny nigga.

When he turned around he had the cutest all white pit craddled in his arms. I was in awe how how beautiful it was that I didn't know what to say.

Tae: You like it?(he asked smilin)
Yatta: Is that what the sound was?
Tae: Yea. Obviously he gone be a handful just like KJ.(he laughed)
Yatta: Bae when did you get him?
Tae: Pat dog had puppies, and he gave me for yo birthday.
Yatta: What else have you been up too?(I asked looking at him with my eyebrow raised while smilin)
Tae: The night is still young shawty.(he said smirking)
Yatta: I like the sound of that.(I said kissing him) So what's his name?
Tae: I was thinking about King, but it's yo dog baby you can choose.
Yatta: No bae I like king.(I said taking king out of his arms)

I looked at the puppy, and he was the prettiest pitbull I ever saw. His eyes were grey, and he had one brown spot on his forehead. He started trying to lick my face so I put him down.

Yatta: Bae where is he gone sleep?
Tae: He can sleep on the patio for right now until I get him a lil dog house.
Yatta: Oh ok. Well I'm tired I'm goin to sleep.
Tae: Aye hold on shawty.(he said pulling me back by my waist)
Yatta: Wussup baby?(I said welcoming his embrace)
Tae: I was thinking that you know and you.....could-
Yatta: Could what? Get a lil nasty?(I laughed giving him a peck on the lips)
Tae: Well it's been a minute since I tapped that.(he said smiling and smackin my butt)
Yatta: Well I'm all tapped out from earlier.(I said walkin to the room)
Tae: So what I'm suppose to do then?
Yatta: You can start by puttin the dog out.(I said winking at him before goin into the room)
Tae: Thats cold shawty.(he laughed)
Yatta: Its a cold world.(I yelled back to him)

Later that night I was rudely awakened by not only barking from that damn puppy, buy KJ crying too. Amazingly Tae managed to still be sleep through all the noise. First I got my baby so I could change, and feed him then let that damn dog in so he could shut up. After almost an hour I got KJ back to sleep before putting him back in his crib. I set king a little blanket down at the foot of our bed where he gladly curled up to go to sleep, and I followed behind him. The next morning I woke up Tae was still sound asleep laying on his back. So of course me being me I made it my business to climb on top of him, and wake him up. I started by messing with his nose, then his ears, and finally leaning down to give him pecks on the lips. He never opened his eyes, but his hands found their way to my waist.

Yatta: I know you woke.(I laughed but he didn't respond)

I kept talking to him with him still doing a horrible job playing sleep. Thirty minutes later I gave up then tried to move when he flipped me over, and started biting my cheek.

Yatta: Tae stop.(I managed to say over my laughter)
Tae: Why you always fuckin wit me when I'm tryna sleep?(he said pinning me down to the bed biting my neck)
Yatta: Im sorry bae stop biting me.(I said laughing)

He ignored my cries for him to stop while he continued his attack on me until we both heard knocking at the door, and KJ started crying.

Tae: You lucky chump.(he said kissing me then gettin up)
Yatta: Punk.(I said throwing a pillow at him)
Tae: When you let the dog back in?(he said going to the door)
Yatta: When he wouldn't stop fuckin barkin lastnight, and woke KJ up. You somehow slept through it all though nigga.(I said muffing him going to get lil man)
Tae: My bad baby I was tired as hell lastnight.
Yatta: Yea right, but you wanted some ass.(I laughed)
Tae: What can I say.. You my own personal energy drink.(he said flicking his tongue at me)
Yatta: You so nasty.(I said smiling)

Tae's Mind>>>>

I picked up king on my way to the door while Yatta went to get lil man.

Tae: Why you wake my son up lil dude?(I said to king as if he could respond)

All he did was look at me with those grey puppy dog eyes. Then there was another abrupt knock at the door that was louder this time.

Tae: Hold the fuck on damn knockin on my door like you cra-(I said swingin the door open gettin cut off in my sentence)

I stood there in disbelief hoping my eyes were playing tricks on me.

Darrell: Long time no see.(he said with a crooked smile)
Tae: The fuck you doin here?(I asked with an attitude)
Yatta: Baby whose that?(he asked coming to the door holdin KJ)

There was a long silence as Yatta looked confusingly between the two of us.

Darrell: Whats the matter? Not gone introduce me to your little.....boyfriend.
Yatta: Tae do you know this man?(he asked getting defensive)
Tae: Yea...I do....
Yatta: Then who is he?
Tae: Yatta....this is my pops.

Something Worth Living ForOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora