Chapter 12. The Wild Side

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I couldnt believe it, but there I was...DRUNK AS FUCK! After 6 shots of patron, a blue muthafucka, a sex on the beach, a berry blast, and this real weird lookin drink that suprisingly taste great called an "alligator piss". I mean i never wouldve thought I could be this outgoing in my life. There was a couple times I even pulled Tae out onto the patio where they were playin music, and started dancin on him...I cant dance. I was really havin a good time, but after a while the drinks started catchin up to me.

Yatta: Bae im about to go to the bathroom.
Tae: Iight shawty u know where its at, or do u need me to come wit u?
Yatta: Im ok I know where it is.

I walked off and before I could even get in the house I tripped, but he was right there to catch me.

Pat: Is his ass okay?(he laughed)
Marv: Maybe we shouldna gave his ass nothin to drink.
Yatta: Fuck yall fuckin light weights.
Pat: This nigga just called US light weights.
Marv: Aye Tae u gone have a hell of a night takin care of his ass.(he laughed)
Tae: My baby gone be iight he just feelin his self right now.
Yatta: Yea u haters im koo.(i said slurrin my words bad)
Tae: U sure u dont need me to take u to the bathroom bae?(he laughed)
Yatta: Im good, im good I promise I just didnt see that chair thats all.(i kissed him on the cheek and he let me go)

He watched me walk in the house laughin while shakin his head then started back talkin to Pat and Marv. I went inside to find the bathroom speakin to damn near every person I passed even though I didnt know any of them. When I finally did get to the bathroom after holdin random conversations wit different people I sat down next to the toilet. Tryna collect my thoughts, and pull my self together seemed somewhat impossible to do in my current state. I sat down on the toilet to piss thinkin that would be a better decision verses standin up, and pissin all over my self. Once I finished I washed my hands then threw some water on my face to try to help me come back to reality if only a little. All of a sudden the door flew open, and someone came bustin in.

Yatta: Aye hold on somebody in here.
Angelo: Oh my bad Yatta the door wasnt locked.
Yatta: U koo I was just leavin anyway.

I started to walk to the door, but he locked it before turnin around to look at me.

Yatta: What the fuck u think u doin?(i said soberin up fast as hell)
Angelo: So wussup papi?
Yatta: What u talkin about?
Angelo: I seen the way u been lookin at me all night. U must see somethin u like, or u wouldve been payin more attention to my nigga Tae instead of me.

I smiled while walkin towards him lookin into his eyes. He was just smilin as I rubbed his chest, and movin towards his ear to whisper.

Yatta: U think so huh?(i whispered seductively)
Angelo: Hell yea papi.(he said wrappin his arms around my waist)

Before he could get too comfortable I used all of my strength to knee him in the balls. As he fell down to the floor in pain I bent down to look at him.

Yatta: U a grimey ass nigga what the fuck is wrong wit u? Yo nasty ass shouldve stuck wit yo boyfriend, but im sure he prolly deserve better too. How could u try to do this to Tae, and he suppose to be yo boy. Matter fact save it cuz I dont wanna know nor do I care. Just stay the fuck away from me, and I wont out yo backstabbin ass.

He didnt even say nothin he just laid there holdin his dick. As soon as I opened the door his boyfriend Juan was standin right there muggin me once again.

Juan: Why the fuck u in here wit Angelo!? I knew yo ass-
Yatta: U need to check yo fuckin attitude before I check it for u.(i said cuttin him off)

He looked pass me then saw Angelo on the floor still in pain, and looked back at me.

Juan: What did u do to him!?(he said pushin pass me)
Yatta: I did u a favor, and u need to do yo self one by leavin his ass on the ground.
Juan: I should fuck u up for this shit!!(he said pointin and stormin towards me)
Yatta: Do somethin then bitch.(i said pullin out my blade and he froze)
Quan: Lil bit what u doin here?

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