Chapter 37. How could you

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I pulled into Quans dorm so fast I had almost hit one of the students that were walkin across the parking lot. I got out the car givin a half ass apology before jettin up the stairs to his room. When I finally reached his door I tried my hardest to beat that mutha fucka down. Before he could answer it some dude came out of his room askin me to stop or he would call the campus security. To show him how much I really gave a fuck about security I started to kick the door while lookin at him wit a "I dont give a fuck" kinda look. He got the picture as he went back into his room, and then Quans door flung open. When I first saw him all the anger had turn into sympathy because of the busted lip, and blood soaked tissue hangin from his nose. Clearly Tae had fucked him up in the worst way which I never thought possible. That moment was short when I remembered the reason I was here in the first place.

Quan: What the fuck is yo pro-

Before he could finish his sentence I pushed him into his room wit all my might then closed his door.

Quan: It wasnt like that let me-
Yatta: SHUT UP!
Quan: I thought u-
Yatta: I said shut up.(I said through clenched teeth)

Seeing how upset I was he kept quiet to hear what I had to say.

Yatta: What is wrong wit u why would u fight Tae like u fuckin crazy?
Quan: He hit me first!
Yatta: What the fuck did u expect was gone happen when u told him that dumb shit!?
Quan: I was just talkin lil bit how the fuck was I suppose to know u aint tell him.
Yatta: Like i was really gone tell him that u kissed me.
Quan: U kissed me too.
Yatta: THATS NOT THE POINT!!(I yelled) It was a mistake, and I would take it back if I could.
Quan: So u really tellin me that didnt mean nothin to u?(he asked lookin in my eyes)
Yatta: Why do u keep makin shit complicated for me? The more I try to have u in my life the harder u make that for me to do, and the more u make me regret the shit. How could u intentionally try to fuck up my relationship by tellin Tae that? Why cant u just act like my friend, and be happy for me?
Quan: BECAUSE I CANT!!(he yelled) I tried to put my feelings for u on the back burner, but no matter how hard I try I just cant. It was one thing knowin that he had something I could never get, but then he did the one thing I could never do. This nigga not only got your heart, but now he got u pregnant. At least then I felt like I had a chance even if it was slim to none, but now that shit is out the door too. It should be me instead of that nigga that always got u walkin around here all fuckin happy, and u should be havin my baby instead of his!

I had to laugh to my self to stay calm, and to keep from rippin his fuckin head off.

Yatta: Are u fuckin serious?(i laughed) Its all about u, and what u want right?Just fuck everybody else, and how u might be hurtin them.
Quan: Why the fuck not dont nobody seem to care how I feel especially yo ass.
Yatta: What the fuck do u want me to do!?
Quan: Be wit me instead of him!
Yatta: I dont fuckin love u!

I could tell that last statement hurt his feelings. He walked up to me and grabbed my face.

Quan: Yes u do! I dont care what u sayin to me out of anger right now cuz I know u do.

He leaned in and tried to kiss me, but I pushed him off of me.

Yatta: Dont try to tell me how the fuck i feel.
Quan: U know im right thats why u gettin so fuckin mad lil bit.
Yatta: Oh and let me guess. U thought that by tryna fuck my relationship up it would make me fall in yo arms right?
Yatta: I thought u could handle us just bein friends? We agreed-
Quan: I DIDNT AGREE TO SHIT!(he yelled)

There was a awkward pause filled with tention as we both stared eachother down out of breath from us yelling.

Yatta: U know what, your right. U didnt agree to nothin, and im done puttin up wit this.(I said walkin towards the door)
Quan: What the fuck u mean "this"!?(he said grabbin me but I snatched away)
Yatta: THIS!! US!! YOU!! I cant keep doin this to Tae, and puttin my self through this unnecessary bullshit wit u De'Quan.
Quan: Look im sorry I know I mightve over stepped my bounderies bu-
Yatta: No Quan its deeper than that. Kwantae aint just my boyfriend no more. He's gonna be the father of my child, and even if he wasnt thats my first love. Your my bestfriend, but im not in love wit u and now I never will be. U obviously cant accept the fact that you'll never be able to have all of me, and your not satisfied wit some of me so-
Quan: So what u tryna say to me Kenyatta!?

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