Chapter 54. Surprise

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Two months later, and now my favorite month July is almost coming to a close with my birthday being the icing on the cake. Things progressed a little cautious at first because of the incident with Milton, and James but everything is back to normal. Lora and Reggie decided to push their wedding date back to August to give everybody breathing room to deal with the whole situation. Milton was making a slow, but good recovery thank God. The shooting that almost took Milton's life made me, and Tae closer than I thought we could be since we were already attached to eachother. After me having almost two near death experiences we try to spend as much time together as possible whenever we're not at work, or taking care of KJ. The best part about me waking up today was knowing God blessed me to see another year, and to still be with the two loves of my life. As usual I woke up literally entangled with my future husband, and I wouldnt have it any other way. He had his arms wrapped around me breathing into my neck, and I had one leg wrapped around his waist with his leg wrapped around my other leg. His head was gently craddled in my arms as I felt the cool yet warm breeze of him inhaling, and exhaling against my neck sending chills down my spine. The warmth of his embrace while feeling the soft thumping of our hearts beating at the same pace as if they were dance with eachother to music only they could hear made me smile as I opened my eyes. This love that had to be sent from God him self the way he took the time to create it especially for me was beyond what I ever thought I could feel. After years of solitude, and recent let downs as well as irreplaceable losses I've finally been able to understand what its like to dance in the favor of my creator so much so that not even the devil could make me miss my next step to this routine. I held Tae's head a little tighter pullin him closer to kiss his forehead while rubbing his hair, and almost instantly I felt him kissing my neck.

Tae: Happy birthday shawty.(he smiled lookin up at me)
Yatta: Thanks Bae.(I said kissing him)
Tae: U finally grown now I dont feel like im rapin u all the time.(he laughed)
Yatta: Shut up big head I been grown.(I laughed)
Tae: Make me.(he said biting my neck gettin completely inbetween my legs)
Yatta: Stop!!(I said through my teeth tryin not to yell because KJ was sleep on the other side of our bed)

He stopped to look at me dead in the eyes smiling from ear to ear. I became lost as I looked deeper into his beautiful brown eyes, and its like I could see his soul as well as everything he held dear to his heart. I was so lost in his eyes that I didnt notice the space between our face becoming smaller with each passing second. He place his forehead on mine gently placing his lips onto mine before suckin on my bottom lip, and flickin his tounge at it comin back down to kiss me with passion I knew could only come from him. He ran his hands down my back then into my pants cuffing my ass as he continued to kiss me with so much aggression, but yet so tender. I cant lie I was lost in the way he was making me feel, and simply captivated by his touch. Then all of a sudden just as smoothly as he started, he stopped leaving me wanting...No...Needing more.

Tae: Thats all u get for right now shawty.(he smirked kissing me again)
Yatta: U not funny nigga now get off me.(I laughed)

Deep down I was mad at how he flipped the script on my ass. Its usually me teasing him leaving him in awe wanting more, but this time he did it to me. Now that I know how it feels I definately dont like the feeling, but I know he did it for a reason. Tae never stops his self from makin love to me whenever he can so it must be something behind his little game, but I guess I'll play along. It is my birthday after all so I dont want to ruin whatever his surprise might be. KJ started to wake up as we were getting out of bed so I picked him up, and went to the bathroom to start our bath water. My big man turned 3 months today along with me turning 21. It never dawned on me before, but he was born on the same day just a different month as me which was the 27th.

Tae: Shawty u need to start gettin ready.(he yelled from the room)
Yatta: We gettin in the tube now bae.(I yelled back)
Tae: Damn wit out me? Thats messed up.(he said walkin in the bathroom shakin his head)
Yatta: U can join us if u want too.(I said smilin at him)
Tae: Nah I'll let u gone head, and wash lil man up. I dont want to be crowding him, and takin away from his daddy time.
Yatta: U his daddy too.(I laughed)
Tae: I know im just sayin though.
Yatta: What u think KJ can daddy take a bath with us?(I said holdin him up in the air makin funny face)

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