Chapter 28. The First Argument

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As the day progressed the number of people that started to show up just got bigger and bigger. For the most part I been hangin wit Quan talkin to him about random stuff while Tae was still helpin Trey wit some last minute things for the party. He walked in the kitchen where we were and looked at Quan for a second before he spoke.

Tae: Bae u wanna come wit me?
Yatta: Yea where u goin?
Tae: Trey want me to go to Walmart for him.
Yatta: Aw ok I'll be back Quan.
Quan: Iight lil bit.

When we got there he was the one suppose to be gettin all the food on the list Trey gave him, but he was really just followin me.

Yatta: Bae are u gone help me or just keep followin me around lookin lost?(i laughed)
Tae: My bad shawty my mama was always the one that did the shoppin in our house. Besides I dont know where none of that shit is, and u almost dont aint u?
Yatta: Thats not the point fool if u help me we could be done faster.
Tae: Iight shawty what u want me to get?

I gave him a list of items and he looked at me then back down at the paper scratchin his head. I laughed and kissed him before walkin off leavin him to look for his half of the stuff. When I got to the aisle wit the alcohol there was this cute guy..ok he was fine as hell. Anyway he clearly worked there because of the uniform he had on. When he noticed me he kinda did a double take and smirked when he saw me lookin at him as well. Although I tried not to pay him any attention it was hard not to find my self lookin at him. I think it was because he reminded me of Tae a little with the similarities in some features they share like that sexy thug appeal they both have. I guess I was starin longer than I thought I was because he started walkin towards me.

Lloyd: Can I help u find somethin?(he asked lookin in my eyes)
Yatta: Um..nah im koo already found it.(I said grabbin a bottle of moscato)
Lloyd: Thats wussup. Im Lloyd by the way.
Yatta: Kenyatta.(I said shakin his hand)
Lloyd: Aye those some good ass contacts.
Yatta: Yea I got em from this place called genetics.(I laughed)
Lloyd: Oh my bad. So where u from shawty this my first time seeing u in here.
Yatta: Um-

Just when I was about to answer his question Tae walked up.

Tae: Bae I looked for everything on here, and all I found was bread.
Yatta: Come on big head.(I said laughin) Nice meetin u Lloyd thanks for yo help.
Lloyd: Yea no problem, and same to u.(he said smilin and lickin his lips)

Tae mustve gave him the dirtiest looke ever because he stopped instantly, and finish what he was doin.

Tae: Who was that?
Yatta: I dont know somebody that work here obviously.
Tae: Well that nigga need to learn how to do more damn work instead of flirtin.
Yatta: He was not flirtin wit me we barely said two words to eachother.
Tae: Yea whatever. I told u about leadin these fuck boys on out here shawty.
Yatta: Tae u know sometimes yo jealousy can be cute, but today aint one of them days.(I said irritated)
Tae: I dont give a fuck. U wouldnt like it if I was smilin all up in Nick face or any of the other dudes that be tryna get at me.
Yatta: I wasnt smilin in his face so chill bae its not that serious.
Tae: It is that damn serious because apparently u think its a joke, and im not playin.
Yatta: He was just doin his job damn could he help me find somethin!?
Tae: U aint need help findin no damn liquor u aint old enough to buy the shit no way.
Yatta: Whatever Kwantae.
Tae: Whatever my ass. Like I said u need to stop lettin these niggas flirt wit u and shut they ass down before hand. Like u be lettin that nigga Quan get away wit that shit all the time in front of me that shit need to stop too!!
Yatta: What are u talkin about?
Tae: Man im not blind shawty I know that nigga want u, and he just prove me right everytime yall get around eachother.
Yatta: Are u really about to start that shit again? Aint nothin to worry about Quan is just my friend bae I keep tellin u this.
Tae: Oh so now he just yo friend? What happened to u always tryna convince me how he wasnt gay and shit.
Yatta: Oh my God now u just readin too much into it.(I said walkin off)
Tae: Im serious bae!! Tell me u dont see how that nigga be lookin at u and shit like he just wanna kiss u or somethin. If u really wanna know how I feel about it I would tell yo ass I dont want u hangin around him.
Yatta: Well its a good thing u kept that shit to yo self. U not my damn daddy so u cant dictate who im friends wit.
Tae: All im sayin is I dont like the way that nigga be actin towards u. U might wanna keep being in denial about the shit, but im not. Ill fuck his big ass up shawty on my life.
Yatta: Tae u really startin to piss me off just shut up please.
Tae: Oh so now u mad? Thats koo maybe ill start hangin out wit nick, and see how u like that shit.
Yatta: What?(I said turnin to look at him)
Tae: I mean yea why not shit obviously its ok for us to chill wit people that like us, or are u the only one wit that privilege?
Yatta: U got one more time to say some dumb shit to me I swear to god.(I said walkin off)
Tae: Thats what im talkin about right there. If u dont like the shit why u expect me to be koo wit it!?(he said raisin his arms)
Yatta: Fine then do what ever the fuck u wanna do.
Tae: Why can I never win when it come to this nigga!? U that damn willing to drop anybody, and everything for this dude like u fuckin him instead of me!?
Yatta: Why does me hangin around him make u act so damn insecure!?
Tae: Man fuck it im tired of havin this dead end ass conversation wit u over and fuckin over.(he said smackin his lips and stormin off)

All I could do was sigh, and feel kinda embarrassed that we just had our first real public no less. Even though I know everything that came out his mouth was true I didnt think he would snap like that. I guess thats the anger management kickin in, but I shoulda knew it was gone kick in sooner or later. After I finished payin for all the stuff I made my way back to his truck. He got out to help me load everything then got back in without sayin a word to me. When we got back to Trey house Tae tried to give me the money I had spent on all the stuff at Walmart, but I turned him down. Its like everybody could sense the tension between us, and the fact that we werent talkin didnt make it any better. I felt bad that I was lettin somethin so simple come between us, but I dont know what he wants me to do. I cant just stop being friends wit Quan because it just wouldnt feel right. I dont know why I cant seem to find a way to balance these two, but maybe thats the problem. I was sittin outside by the pool just thinkin when Quan came, and sat next to me.

Quan: Whats goin on wit u and Tae yall aint said shit to eachother since yall got back?
Yatta: We had a argument.
Quan: Worddd not the happy couple.(he joked)

I gave him a look lettin him know I wasnt in the mood.

Quan: Ok well since u actin all stank about it and shit. What was yall arguin about?
Yatta: U...
Quan: Me?
Yatta: Well not just u, but thats what it all really boiled down to. He think I be lettin other dudes flirt wit me, and that I encourage it because I dont stop them. Thats not true though im always quick to tell people I got a boyfriend.
Quan: What that gotta do wit me though lil bit?
Yatta: He said he dont want me hangin around u, but he didnt really say it. He said he can tell that u like me, and dont really like the thought of me being around u.
Quan: Why he so damn insecure?
Yatta: Thats the same thing I said, but I can see where he comin from. If the shoe was on the other foot I would be feelin the same way.
Quan: So what this mean?
Yatta: I dont know.(I said lookin over to see Tae watchin us) Im about to go talk to him.(I said gettin up)

When I walked into the house he was talkin to some of his team mates, but stop when he saw me. I walked over to him slowly as he tried to act like he didnt see me. His friends were all lookin at me while he kept talkin tryna ignore me.

Yatta: Can we talk?

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