Chapter 30. Its not possible

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It was finally thanksgiving break, and me and Tae had already booked our flights for the city. I still talk to Quan, but not as much as I use to which kind of hurts me. Honestly it makes me sick knowin the reason was because I chose for it to be this way, and I seriously throw up sometimes from thinkin about it. Tae just thinks I have the flu or somethin, but I been feelin horrible ever since I got drunk at that damn Halloween party. Our flight was at 8 which was less than three hours away, and as we speak I was in the bathroom  bent over the toilet while Tae was rubbin my back.

Tae: Baby maybe u need to go see a doctor forreal.
Yatta: No im ok.(I said wipin my mouth)
Tae: Shawty im not gone keep lettin u walk around like this.
Yatta: Bae please I really am ok I dont need to go to the doctor.(I said givin a weak smile)
Tae: Iight we gone see. If u dont feel better by the time we get back U GOIN TO THE DOCTOR!!(he demand)
Yatta: ok.(I said lettin out a deep sigh)

Truth is I havent been in a hospital since my mom died, and honestly I dont plan on ever being in one. After we both took a shower he put our bags in the car and headed for the airport. When we got on the plane almost everything made me feel nauseous from the turbulence to all the smells, and to think I had to feel this way for three hours. I never thought I would be happy to be in Chicago again, but bein here was better than being on that damn plane. We rented a car and I managed to drive to my house, and I must admit it wasnt all that bad being back home.

Tae: Damn shawty its cold as fuck.(he said gettin out the car)
Yatta: It is not cold.(I laughed)
Tae: Shit what u call it?
Yatta: Its just a lil chilly, but I told yo hard head ass to buy a coat.
Tae: I thought this jacket would be enough.
Yatta: Thats ok we can go to the mall and get u one, but for now lets get inside.
Tae: Aw nah I thought it wasnt cold?(he laughed)
Yatta: Shut up big head and help me wit all this stuff.
Tae: Go head and unlock the door I got it shawty.
Yatta: I can carry my own-
Tae: I said I got it bae.(he said more assertive but still smilin)
Yatta: U lucky I dont feel like arguin wit u right now.(I laughed)

I walked into the house for the first time since my mom died and looked around. Everything was exactly how I left it suprisingly undisturbed by a single soul. I was lookin at all the pictures of me my mom and dad that were takin over the years. Seein all of these pictures reminded me of the picture I saw when I was at my aunts house. Tae had managed to sneak up wrappin his arms around me and scared the fuck out of me when I was lookin through some of the photos in my moms old album.

Yatta: Boy u scared the hell outta me.(I said gently pushin him back)
Tae: My bad shawty.(he said wit a sly grin)
Yatta: Yea right.(I said lookin back in the book)
Tae: Whats that bae?(he said wrappin his arms back around me and leanin his head on my shoulder)
Yatta: Pictures from back in the day.(I said flippin through the pages)
Tae: Who is that?
Yatta: Thats my mama.(I said smilin)
Tae: Damn she was pretty, and u got her eyes.
Yatta: And thats my daddy.(I said pointin to his picture)
Tae: He look different from what I expected. How the hell u come out all sexy chocolate?
Yatta: I have no idea but-(I said gettin caught off gaurd by the picture I just came across)
Tae: Whats wrong u gotta throw up again?(he asked concerned)
Yatta: N..No.(I managed to get out)

I ran my finger down the picture to see if it was real still in disbelief.

Tae: Who is that bae?
Yatta: I..I dont know, but im about to find out?
Tae: What u mean?(he asked lookin confused)
Yatta: Come on we about to go take a ride.
Tae: To where?
Yatta: I wanna go see my granny.
Tae: I thought u hated her?(he asked laughin)
Yatta: I do but we got some shit to talk about.(I said takin the picture and grabbin my coat headin for the door)
Tae: Aye hold up shawty we just got here.(he said grabbin his jacket as well)

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