Chapter 32

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Hey everyone!

I know I posted the A/N twice, Wattpad seemed to have deleted it and then it suddenly appeared again today!

I'm really glad that you all liked the trailer, and like I said, I have dedicated this chapter to @LittleMissKL for her amazing work on it!

And I also have a new cover! What do you think of it? I love it so much, huge thanks to @Love1D4everrrr for making it.

Right, here's your chapter, I've worked really hard on this one and it's really long, so I hope you all enjoy it!

Lucy xxx

(Y/n)’s P.O.V.

I took a deep breath as I boarded the mini-bus for the final time, hauling a heavy suitcase of luggage in with me. It was more emotional than I had expected. I knew I would be seeing the boys again in just a few days’ time, but the end of this holiday felt like the close of a chapter, like everything from this point onwards was going to be different.

I didn’t like the feeling. It rested in my gut, making me feel queasy and sad, and there had been a growing lump in my throat from the moment that I woke up this morning, becoming ever bigger as the day wore on.

I had awoken next to Zayn, similar to yesterday morning, except in my room and we could actually remember the previous night, meaning that the confusion from the kiss that Niall and I had shared was still fresh in my mind. I had no doubt that Niall would stay quiet about it; I was more worried about me keeping my mouth shut. The guilt was gnawing away at me, and whenever I looked at Zayn, I felt like I was going to crack.

We had messed about all morning. He’d helped me pack, making jokes constantly, but it hadn’t left my mind, and I had a feeling that it wouldn’t for a while. I had never been good at coping with hiding big secrets like this, but I knew that I had to keep quiet about it.

Zayn hopped in behind me with his luggage and we sat down next to each other. Tally and Louis were already sat together, as per usual, and Liam and Harry were sat in the back. The only person left was Niall.

“I’m going to miss you, beautiful,” Zayn smiled, pressing a kiss onto my lips. I rolled my eyes at his cheesiness. I definitely wasn’t feeling beautiful in my travelling clothes – a t-shirt, some Hollister jogging bottoms and vans, with my hair scraped up into a high ponytail and just a little concealer and mascara for makeup.

“I’ll miss you too,” I murmured in reply, resting my head against his chest and breathing in his smell. It was like cinnamon, a rich smell that I had grown accustomed to over the past few days.

We all made small talk for a few minutes, anxiously waiting for Niall to return. If he took much longer, Tally and I could be late for our plane.

We’d been waiting for about twenty minutes now, and our conversation had petered out. I sighed and stood up.

“I’ll go and find him,” I said, clambering out of the mini-bus and jogging towards the hotel.

I dashed up the stairs on noticing that the elevator was on floor 11, not having the patience to wait for it to arrive at the ground floor. And in all honesty, I was still a little dubious about using the lift after it got stuck what seemed like ages ago. Anyway, it was only two flights of stairs.

I soon reached the suite that Niall and Zayn had been sharing and knocked lightly on the door before entering. It was tidier than it had been all week; no clothes or food dropped randomly on the floor.

“Niall?” I called, unable to spot him in the living room. “Niall, are you here?”

“I’m in here,” I heard a delicate voice say.

Let Me Be Your Last | z.m vs n.h fanfic [MAJOR EDITING]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ