Chapter 4

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Lucy xx

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

It was lunchtime, and the boys, Tally and I had seen so many cool animals like armadillos, lemurs and penguins! We were all sat outside eating hot dogs and fries and chatting.

"So, where do you two live?" Asked Harry.

"Oh we live in London. My family moved there after not long after I got into Drama College. They didn't want to be far away from me!" I laughed.

"I've always lived in London." Said Tally. “I love it there!" She smiled at Louis.

"So, you want to act once you leave then?" Asked Liam.

"Well... Musical Theatre actually!" Tally and I both giggled simultaneously. 

"Wow!" Exclaimed Niall enthusiastically. "You mean stuff like Grease and The Lion King and Blood Brothers? In the West End?"

"Well yeah, I guess that's the ultimate thing we'd like to do!" I shrugged, nibbling on one of my fries.

"Wow..." Niall repeated.

I noticed that Zayn had been pretty quiet since we got here.

"Ummm... So, what shall we see after this?" I asked them.

"I think we should see all the reptiles, and the bugs, and the ugly things." Grinned Niall, making his hand crawl over my shoulder until it reached my neck and he was tickling me.

I batted his hand away, then smirked and joked, "What? Like you, you mean?"

We all laughed at Niall's pretend grumpy face until he gave in and burst out laughing too!

When we all eventually stopped, Zayn smiled at me, and said "I think that going to see the bugs would be a good idea."






I walked through the bug enclosure, fanning myself slowly with my hand. Niall and Zayn stood either side of me. 

"Hey! What's in this one?" Niall grabbed my wrist and we ran over and pressed our faces against the glass, peering in like toddlers.

"Hmmm... I'm not sure. I can't see anything." I sighed.

"Stick insects!" Said Zayn, reading the sign next to the glass panel. "Oh look! There's one there, and another one there."

"Look at that one. It's massive!" I cried. 

Zayn, Niall and I stood there for about five minutes trying to find as many stick insects as we could. Eventually we left the stick insects to see some other bugs. 

I walked quickly over to another glass pane and looked in. I was beginning to think that it must be more stick insects when suddenly, a massive, hairy spider scuttled out from beneath a pile of leaves. 

"Ahhhh!" I screamed, falling over and landing on my bum. 

The boys and Tally came over and began laughing at me. I stayed on the ground and scowled at my shoes. 

I felt someone put their arms around my waist and help me stand back up. I turned around to see Zayn's face inches away from mine, and felt butterflies in my tummy once again. But then, I noticed that Zayn was trying to keep his mouth straight, although unable to stop his eyes from glittering with laughter. 

I frowned at him too and punched him playfully on the arm, but eventually gave in to the laughter bubbling up inside of me and collapsed in fits of giggles.

"And so, they've discovered your secret fear (y/n)!" Chuckled Tally. 

"But what about your secret fear?" I asked her, and then turned to Louis.  "It's-" 

"My fear is no longer significant." Smiled Tally, knowingly. She leaned towards me and whispered in my ear. "Because I am 99% certain that although Louis will get married, it will be to me!"

I rolled my eyes at her as she sauntered back to Louis' side and took up her flirting once again, and we all walked out of the bug enclosure.

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