Chapter 1

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So, this is the first chapter of the Fanfic!!! What do we think of Chloe Moretz as Tally? (There's a pic of her on the side!)

Let me know what you think of it so far!

Lucy xxx

(Y/n)'s P.O.V. 

I ran into my bedroom as tears streamed down my face. I couldn't believe it, I couldn't believe that I had actually done that. It wasn't as if I'd wanted to, Dylan had given me no choice. 

I wiped at my eyes furiously. I was not going to cry over a man who didn't treat me right. I just needed to break up with him, the sooner the better. I needed to speak to Tally, she'd be able to cheer me up.

I switched on my laptop and checked my new phone that I had got for my 19th birthday a few months ago, the new Blackberry Torch. I had five new texts from Dylan already, asking me where I was and what I was doing. I groaned as I realised that I wanted nothing more than to break up with him right now, and promised myself that I would do so on Monday at college. I'm a firm believer in break-ups being face-to-face, no matter how much of an asshole the guy is.

I sent Tally a quick text, telling her that I needed to talk urgently, but she rarely looked at her phone, so I doubted that I would get a response in the next hour.

I decided to settle down to that Shakespeare research that seemed pretty easy, as my mind was boggling at the thought of being single, again. And the fact that Dylan would hate me. I had absolutely no idea how he would take it, but I was pretty sure that it wouldn’t go down too well. 

First, however, I decided to check my emails, see if anything important had come through. 

There were a good twenty from twitter and several from facebook, which I deleted instantly without even looking at them, and one titled "Congratulations". I rolled my eyes, immediately assuming that it had escaped being put in the spam folder, but decided to check just in case.

I clicked on it and it opened. I scanned my eyes down the email until I saw the words 'One Direction', and almost fell off of my seat. I read and re-read the email until it dawned on me that I had won that competition that I entered over three months ago! I picked up my phone and rang Tally, praying that she would answer. After two rings she picked up, and I have to say that I was very surprised. I told her the news and we both squealed down our phones like a toddler in Disneyland! 

"When is it?" she asked eventually. 

"Um..." I searched the email. "We leave next Saturday!" I answered. 

"What? Is that the first day of the holidays?" Tally cried.

"Yeah! Come round mine and we can go shopping to pick tons of outfits and bikinis then! We’ll need to look amazing!" I laughed, still feeling a little shell-shocked.

"Yeah, we want to set a good impression. I'm on my way." Tally hung up without saying goodbye, as she always does.

I stood up and jumped about my room a little, trying to steady my shaking hands. It looked as though things were looking up already.

Let Me Be Your Last | z.m vs n.h fanfic [MAJOR EDITING]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin