Chapter 11

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This is being posted from my iPod so it's probably got tons of typos and stuff in it, but we will have to deal with that... 

I'm freaking out about the Where We Are tour, so excited and worried that I won't get tickets at the same time (damn you Danielle for putting so much pressure on me... I'm joking btw)  

I've been out all day and am very tired and have a bunged up nose and a sore throat so sorry if this update isn't very good!!! :/ 

But enough of me talking, here's chapter 11!!!  

And btw I love you guys so much for all the great feedback and votes, it means so much to me!!! If you ever need to talk to anyone I'm here for you all, just message me or something <3 

Lucy xx

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

"Hey! How are you?" Called Harry as soon as he saw me. 

"I'm good! My shoulder aches a little bit though." I shrugged. 

"Well, you can't really expect it not to, can you?" He smirked.  

"I guess not. I think I'll just have something quick to eat, and then head back to the hotel." I told them. 

"We'll take you back in the minibus." Louis chipped in. "Oh, and Tally, would you like to grab a drink back at the hotel?"  

"I'd love to!" Squealed Tally, who turned to me and pulled an excited face, her eyes wild and glimmering, while I grinned back at her. She and Louis were so well suited to one another, and I was really glad that she'd finally found a decent guy. 

I quickly finished my food, and we all piled back into the minibus and headed back to the hotel. Once we got there, Liam walked over to the receptionist, and spoke quickly to her. 

He came back over looking pretty triumphant.  

"What have you done now, Liam?" Asked Niall, sighing. 

"(Y/n) and Tally can have some spare keys to all of our rooms, in case they need us during the night!" Liam explained. 

"Oh great! Thanks!" I giggled, as he handed the keys over to me. 

"Suites 208 and 209." He said. "Zayn and Niall are sharing suite 208, and Louis, Harry and I are sharing 209. Just let yourselves in whenever you want us!" 

"Thank you so much!" I hugged Liam tightly. It was true! He had the biggest heart out of anyone I'd ever met! "I think I'm going to go up to our room now to rest, but maybe I'll come and visit you guys later."  

"Zayn and I will walk you there, and then go to our suite. We have some, uh, important business to deal with."  

I smiled gratefully at Niall, before realising that their 'important business' was probably that scrabble game over me. I sighed. Why did this have to happen to me? 

Niall and Zayn walked over to the elevator with me. I pressed the button for floor five. 

"So..." Said Zayn. "Today's been an interesting day." 

I laughed. "Well, I suppose that's one way to describe it!" The elevator ground to a halt. "Oh, maybe I'll see you guys later?" 

"Yeah, but don't come for about an hour, our important business is, erm, very secret." Niall explained quickly. 

"Oh really?" I said, raising my eyebrows at him. I turned around to leave the elevator. "Wait a minute, why are the doors still shut?" I asked, shakily. 

"Oh dammit!" Zayn banged his fist against the wall angrily. "I think we're stuck!" 

"Stuck? Are you kidding me? For God's sake, I'm claustrophobic!" Whimpered Niall as he backed into the side of the elevator, starting to look a little panicked. 

A woman's voice came through on the intercom system. At first she spoke in Spanish, which made Niall look even more desperate and confused, but then she repeated herself in English.  

"There is a small problem with the lift. We are getting an engineer to fix it as quickly as possible. Please do not panic, you will be out within 30 minutes." The voice droned. 

"Thirty minutes?" Niall gasped breathlessly. "Thirty minutes? I won't be able to survive in here for thirty seconds, let alone thirty minutes!" He sat down and drew his knees up tightly to his chest and hugged them.  

I looked at Zayn, seeking some kind of help, but he just bit his lip worriedly, glancing at Niall. 

I sighed and sat next to Niall, slowly wrapping my arms around him. His breathing was becoming faster, shallower, little beads of sweat were forming on his forehead and he had a wild look in his eyes. 

"Niall, Niall look at me!" I ordered, before speaking more gently. "It's okay, I'm here. Now just close your eyes, and imagine that you're somewhere else, somewhere nice and open, like in a park back in the UK, or at the zoo yesterday." I hoped that I sounded calm, because on the inside I was terrified. I didn't particularly like small spaces either.  

I looked at Niall. He was leaning against the wall of the elevator, with his eyes closed. He had stopped panting and I felt certain that he was feeling a lot more peaceful. 

Zayn carefully sat down next to me and gave me a hug. "Well done," he whispered, as if to not disturb Niall. "I had absolutely no idea what to do then!"  

"Nor did I!" I whispered back. "I just kind of made it up as I went along!" 

"Well it worked!" Zayn whispered, smiling, and shifting himself to Niall's other side, before rubbing him on the back. "Come on, stay calm, mate, we'll all be completely fine." He soothed Niall. 

We all sat there for a while, Zayn rubbing Niall's back, me hugging Niall, and Niall squeezing his eyes tightly shut.  

"The problem has been fixed!" The bright voice came back through on the intercom. "The lift should be moving again any minute now!" 

"Yes!" Shouted Zayn, jumping up and punching the air.  

I giggled at him, my arms still wrapped around Niall, who still had his eyes firmly shut. "See! I told you it would be fine, Niall. That wasn't anywhere near thirty minutes in the end was it? More like ten, at the most!" 

Suddenly, the lift jolted back into action and it soon stopped on floor five. 

"Which room are you in?" Asked Zayn, as he helped Niall and I off of the floor.  

"Err... Room 531 I think." I said, smiling at him and walking out of the elevator. "It's just down there."  

"Come along Niall." Zayn said, placing one of Niall's arms around his shoulders. "I'll help you there!" 

"Oh no! You don't have to come with me, I'm fine!" I protested.  

"No, we want to come, don't we Niall?" Zayn was practically dragging Niall along. 

"God... I'm glad to be out of there... That was hell... Thanks guys..." Niall managed to say between breaths. 

"Look, Zayn, take him back to your room so that he can rest. I promise I'll be fine!" I was beginning to feel pretty exasperated at the whole situation. 

"Ok then," Zayn sighed. "I guess that probably is best for Niall." 

"Yeah, maybe I'll see you two later, if not I'll see you tomorrow. Hope you feel better soon, Niall!" I called, as they turned around to go down the staircase.  

"You too!" Niall panted, before slowly making his way, with the help of Zayn down the stairs.

Let Me Be Your Last | z.m vs n.h fanfic [MAJOR EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now