Chapter 31

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Hey everyone!

The target was reached so quickly for the last chapter which was amazing to see, and I was so happy that you all liked it! All of the feedback meant so much!

I'm aiming to get this book done within the next month, and there will be a sequel which I've planned out, and then maybe even another one after that!

Thank you so much for reading and for giving me feedback, it means the world to me!

Lucy xxx

(Y/n)’s P.O.V.

We all had an amazing time at the fair. We walked around eating candyfloss, going on the rides and attempting to win prizes, like a huge teddy bear and a goldfish. It was so much fun just hanging out with the boys, and I’d formed such amazing friendships with them all in just one week!

Despite all of the fun that we were having, there was a sad air hanging over us. We were meant to be leaving the next day, and although I knew I would still see them lots, I would definitely miss spending all of my time with them. I’d gotten used to having the boys around me all the time, and they simply wouldn’t be when we got back to London.

None of us mentioned these facts during the day, but I could tell that we were all thinking the same thing.

We decided that evening that we would go out again that night, although some of us – meaning Louis and I – were not quite recovered from the previous night. We wanted to make the most of the rest of our holiday though, and I couldn’t see any reason why we shouldn’t go out, I’d just attempt to limit myself tonight.

Tally and I were up in our room getting ready to go to the club. I was wearing the black dress that everyone had loved, with some black ankle boots and gold accessories. My hair was swept to one side and curled, bouncing whenever I moved. For my make-up, I had created a completely flawless base and highlighted my cheekbones. My eye makeup consisted of dark, smoky eye shadow and dramatic flicks of eyeliner, with full, long lashes. I carefully applied a dark red lipstick to finish off the look. I stood back to admire my appearance in the mirror. I looked different, which I liked. For once, I was actually happy with what I saw.

Tally smiled at me as she entered from the bathroom. She looked drop dead gorgeous, in a red halter neck dress which hugged her curves, black heels, bright red lips and dramatic cat flick eyeliner.

She stood next to me as we checked the mirror one last time. It was as if we’d had some unspoken agreement to impress the boys as much as we possibly could on our last night.

“Tally, you look amazing,” I said truthfully.

She laughed. “Thanks, you look stunning!”

I smiled at our reflections. “Just think, a week ago, we didn’t even know them.”

“And now they’ve completely changed our lives!”

I nodded in agreement.

Tally bit her lip. “Do you, do you think it will be the same when we get back? Will we all stay as close?”

I sighed. That was exactly what I’d been wondering all day, and I hadn’t come up with an answer. “I hope so,” I replied solemnly. “If we all try hard enough, I’m sure it will work out,”

“I hope so too,” Tally looked at me. “Come on; let’s go wild on our last night!”

 We both grabbed our handbags and hurried out of the room down to the lobby to meet the boys.





Let Me Be Your Last | z.m vs n.h fanfic [MAJOR EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now