Chapter 10

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Hey guys!!! I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who has given me feedback on this story so far, it means alot!!! Also, don't be afraid to suggest any ideas or improvements to it, I want this to be the best that it can and I want to please you guys!!!

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Lucy xx

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

The strong smell of antiseptics filled my nostrils. I knew that smell. I was in hospital, though I had no idea why. I felt really peaceful however, so I decided to keep my eyes closed for a while. 

"Aw. She looks so cute when she's asleep, doesn't she?" I heard a voice say. Who was it? I thought hard and replayed the voice in my head. Suddenly, I recognised the Irish accent, it was Niall! 

"Yeah, I hope she wakes up soon. She's been out for almost five hours now!" Another voice; I was pretty sure it was Zayn. He sighed. "It's all my fault we're even here. If she wasn't holding my hand, she wouldn't have dislocated her shoulder."

"Hey, mate," I heard Niall comforting him. "You'd never have been holding her hand if I wasn't. In fact, you're the whole reason she's still alive. If you hadn't got her out of the pool then, well, who knows?" 

I remembered something hitting into my side just before I blacked out and realised that it must have been Zayn. He had saved my life! I decided to listen to them for a bit longer, it was quite soothing actually. 

"Yeah, well, I needed to didn't I? I got her into this mess." Zayn paused. "Niall... I really, like her, you know." 

"Oh," Niall said simply. 

"Hey, what's up?" Asked Zayn sweetly.

"I like her too." Niall said quietly. I drew in a sharp breath. Nothing could have prepared me for that. I realised that the boys had stopped talking, they must have heard me! I focused on breathing steadily. I guess I could have worked it out, if I'd have actually bothered to think about how he'd been acting towards me for the last two days. But I'd been too focused on Zayn. 

Zayn paused momentarily. "What do we do then?" 

"Intense game of scrabble?" Niall laughed. 

"Yeah! We can do that when we get back to the hotel. And if it doesn't work out between the winner and (y/n), then the loser can try, with no hard feelings?" Zayn said hurriedly.

"Yeah, of course!" Niall replied happily. 

I decided to 'wake up'. I didn't really want to hear them talk about me any longer. I stirred, rolled over and opened my eyes.

"What - where am I?" I asked them innocently,

"You're in hospital," Zayn cooed gently. "Remember? You dislocated your shoulder when we went swimming, and then you almost drowned. You've been out for five hours." He smiled. 

"Oh, right." I said, feeling a little awkward after listening in on their conversation. 

"How do you feel?" Asked Niall, sweetly. 

"My shoulder hurts," I complained. "And I also feel kinda out of breath!" 

"The doctor said that that's exactly how you should be feeling!" Laughed Niall.

"Shall we let them know that you've woken up so that they can examine you?" Asked Zayn. 

"Yeah, I'll go." Niall smiled, walking out of the room, leaving Zayn and I alone. 

"Where are the others?" I asked him.

"Oh, they went to the cafe to get some tea." Zayn smiled. 

"Aren't you hungry?" I said.

"A little bit. But I wanted to be here when you woke up." He grinned shyly.

"Aw, thank you!" I said. "You didn't have to-"

"I did," Zayn cut in. "It's my fault that you're even here. If it wasn't for me, we'd still all be at-"

"Shush," I said, placing one finger on his lips. "It's no-one’s fault, just one of those things that happen." 

I looked him in the eyes; he looked straight back into mine. I felt something stir in the pit of my stomach. After a moment, he looked away guiltily, clearly remembering what Niall had said about liking me. I was left feeling terrified that a wrong move by me would lead to their incredible friendship being destroyed.  

A middle aged woman with short brown hair walked briskly into the room, closely followed by Niall. 

"Hello (y/n). I'm your doctor. Let’s see how your shoulder is."  






"Ok, (y/n), you should be fine tomorrow. Your shoulder may feel a little stiff, but there's no damage to any of your bones or muscles." 

"Thank god!" Niall cried, flashing a grin at me.

"Can we take her back to the hotel now, Doctor?" Asked Zayn.

"Of course! But, (y/n), if you feel any pain in your shoulder, go to the nearest hospital immediately. Aches are completely normal however, you may not be able to lift anything heavy with your right arm for a while."

"Ok! Thank you, doctor." I replied, smiling.

"Right, let's just check that you don't feel faint when you stand up."

I looked at Zayn and Niall. "Can you two help me up?"

"Yeah, sure." Zayn said, as I swung my legs round so that they were hanging off of the bed. 

Niall sat next to me on my left, and Zayn on my right. They both gently placed one of their hands on my back and held my hand with the other. I cautiously eased myself up, before smiling at the doctor.

"I don't feel dizzy at all!"

"Great! That means you're free to go." Smiled the doctor, before briskly walking out.

"Come on then, (y/n)," Niall said happily. "Let's go to the cafe to meet the rest of the boys and Tally. Plus, you're probably getting hungry, and I know I am!"

"Ok, let's go!" I laughed.

Niall and Zayn both wrapped one arm around my waist, and they led me to the cafe.

So what do you think of that??? Niall likes (y/n)!!! (yeah you all saw that coming, didn't you!) Please comment or message me what you think of it!!! Thanks guys :)

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