Chapter 30

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Hey everyone!

I finished my job on Friday, so now I'm £75 richer!

This chapter is quite long, and I'm really proud of it for some reason.

I've dedicated this chapter to @13Dragongal who is one of my really close friends who just got wattpad! Check out her 1D fanfic, she's just started it and its really origional - I love it!

Thanks for reading and for all of the amazing comments and feedback on this story! I love you.

Lucy xxx

(Y/n)’s P.O.V.

I woke up, smothered in the warm blankets. I wasn’t in my hotel room, I knew that, but it didn’t really bother me. There was someone else in bed with me, with their arms wrapped around my waist protectively. I wriggled round in his hold and smiled at the dark haired boy who was sleeping beside me. I lifted my head off of the pillow, but had to quickly put it back down again as a dizzy feeling swamped my head. I groaned, clutching my stomach as it churned. Never again was I going to have a drinking competition. It was a stupid idea. Stupid me, I should have known better really.

I suddenly gagged, and one hand flew up to my mouth, whilst the other stayed around my stomach trying to calm it. I began breathing deeply and I ran into the bathroom as quickly as I could. I got there just in time to see my vomit sloppily splash into the toilet. Lovely. What a great way to start the morning.

I groaned again and rested my forehead on the toilet seat, waiting for the dizziness to pass. I wasn’t feeling so sick anymore, but my head was throbbing. I slowly stood up, grasping the side of the sink for support, and turned on the cold tap. Dangling my fingers under the constant drizzle of the tap, I looked around the bathroom, recognising it as Zayn and Niall’s, due to the countless hair products that I had seen a few days earlier. I hadn’t seen Niall yet, but he was probably in the living room or in the other boys’ suite.

I quickly splashed some of the cold water over my face, which immediately eased the dizziness, and grabbed a black bathrobe off of the peg behind the door. I didn’t care whether it belonged to Zayn or Niall, I just needed something to cover myself up, as I did not like wandering around in my underwear.

Sitting on the edge of the bath, I thought back to the previous night. What had happened? I could remember the ridiculous drinking challenge, everyone falling over, but nothing else. And that worried me. It reminded me why I hadn’t drunk for ages after Tally’s party. I hated having holes in my memory, being unable to remember what had happened. I liked to know so that I could keep everything under control.

I gasped as a heated make-out session with Zayn from last night entered my mind. Shit shit shit shit shit.

“Zayn!” I wailed, gripping the edge of the bath as tightly as I could. “Zaaaaaayn!” I heard heavy footsteps approaching the bathroom and sighed with relief when Zayn entered, wearing just his boxers, and tripped over his own feet. Hmm, I guess he was pretty badly hung-over too.

He smiled a little when he saw me wearing the bathrobe which was clearly way too big for me, his initial worry leaving his expression. “You’re wearing my bathrobe,” he noted.

“Oh, do you want it?” I asked, uneasy at the thought of taking it off.

“No, I’ll just put on Niall’s,” he chuckled, pulling on the other bathrobe, which was navy blue. He turned back to face me, tying it around his waist. “What did you want?”

“Can you remember anything from last night? Please tell me you do!” I gabbled, panic filling my voice.

Zayn bit his lip and sat next to me on the edge of the bath. “Um… nope, nothing,” he said shakily.

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