Truly Yours 11

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Just like I suspected, the next day, Chris was over her attitude.

I took Tori to the toy store like I promised, and she wasn't the only person begging for toys. As soon as we stepped inside of Toys-R-Us, Christina acted as if she was in heaven. From the nerf guns, to the bikes and scooters, it was as if she was a little kid again. It was the funniest thing ever watching her ride around the store. Tori even joined her! They called themselves having a race down the aisles, which earned us numerous stares.

Some people even recognized who I was. Unsurprisingly.

I was nice enough to give them a few pictures and autographs even though I honestly didn't feel like it today. My job as a public figure and a celebrity is to show love back to the fans, but damn. Every where I go people are bombarding with me with questions, pictures, and autographs. It gets annoying after a while.

After all the fun and games was over, we eventually left the store, with a few toys. Tori probably only picked out about five toys, and Chris big kid ass had at least 10 in the cart when we finally got in line.

I bought Victoria a few mermaid and Monster High dolls, and a cute, little tea cup set. Christina on the other hand? A Baby Alive, an Easy Bake Oven, a McDonald's cash register, collectable Bratz dolls, an Avengers scooter, and you guessed it - a Nerf gun set. I could not take her seriously as she placed everything on the conveyor belt with a straight face.

All I could do was laugh and shake my head. I swear I can't stand her childish ass.

After leaving Toys-R-Us, I picked us up some McDonald's. It was quick, convenient, and did I mention cheap? I bought Tori an order of chicken nuggets, and me and Christina both a number one. After enjoying the meal inside, since there was practically no one on the inside, I took Tori home.

Only a little over a few days later, it was time for Tori's birthday. Jenna, Christina's friend, threw a party for her and the other kids in the disability wing, the day before. The next day, on her actual birthday, I took Victoria to the zoo like I promised her.

Surprisingly, Tori's favorite animals to see were the wild animals, and Christina's were the cute ones that barely do shit. Tori was focused on seeing the lions, snakes, and cheetahs ; and the monkey's, koala bears, and giraffes had Chris attention.

Before hand, we went to I-Hop for breakfast, but towards the middle of the day, we were hungry again. We settled on some Chic-fil-a which was being sold in the middle of the zoo. We got through the line fairly quickly, and in enough time to see the dolphin show that was being held to the public.

Not only did we get to see the dolphins do their tricks, but we were also able to swim and take pictures with them! None of us brought swim suits, so we purchased some from the zoo souvenir store. I personally had no intentions on getting in the water, but Christina and Tori eventually convinced me to buy a pair of trunks and go for it.

It was actually fun!

We took numerous pictures of each other, and almost half of them were uploaded to Instagram. Chris snapped a few pictures of me by myself, and me with Tori on my back with the biggest kool-aid smiles plastered across our faces. I then captured a few pictures of Christina's sexy ass, and of course some of us together.

Despite this whole month thing, she's really been loosening up around me lately. From talking dirty a lot more, to always prancing around the house in things she knows will grab my attention - she's definitely trying to make my ass crumble.

Which is something I won't do.

No matter how much I just want to destroy every piece of her, I want to prove to her that a month ain't shit to me. She want me to wait a month? I'll prove to her that I go a month. She just better not be on this bullshit again.

Truly Yours | J. ColeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang