Truly Yours 13

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Just as I smoothed out my hair and took another look at myself in the mirror, J appeared behind me. He wrapped his arms around my waist while softly sucking on my neck.

"Where you think you going?" he asked.

"Out," I replied with a bit of an attitude.

Why has he been so controlling lately?

"With that nigga you was talking to yesterday at the restaurant? Today was suppose be our day together. That included tonight."

"Babe we sent all day today and all day yesterday together, and lets not forget that we have the rest of this week to spend together. Can I go out just this one time with out you getting jealous?"

"Who said I was jealous?"

"J you get mad when ever I spend time with anybody that's not you."

"I just don't want another nigga to think he got a chance with you Chris. I've lost you once and I don't want to loose you again."

I quickly turned around and faced him.

"You think you'll loose me again?" I asked with a smile. I thought it was cute that he was actually scared to loose me again.

"Of course nigga. You mine and no body else's," he smiled as he wrapped his arms back around me. "And always remember that."

"I will J, and I promise it's nothing more than dinner," I stated as I rubbed his chest.

"What time you coming back?"

"No later than ten thirty."

"You promise?"

"I promise."

It was currently nine o'clock, and Elijah would be here any moment to pick me up. Elijah didn't tell me exactly where we were going, but I was almost positive that Elijah would not try to do something tonight. I already made it known to him that I had a boyfriend, and it seemed pretty clear that he understood and respected that.

I also already had made it known to J that I didn't want him showing his face when Elijah comes to pick me up too. If Elijah found out that I'm dating the famous' J.Cole', he'll of course freak out and ask for a picture and autograph. I wanted tonight to just be a normal night without 'my boyfriend' being the subject of the night. I'm pretty sure J didn't want to take a picture and give a nigga he's skeptical about an autograph anyways.

Elijah arrived at exactly 9:05, and I double checked in the mirror that I looked presentable and not a strand of hair was out of place. I gave J a kiss goodbye, then I was out.

"You look beautiful," Elijah stated once he grabbed the passenger door for me and helped me inside.

"Thankyou," I replied. "You don't look too bad yourself."

I wore a red fitted dress that stopped right above my fingertips, along with a pair of black pumps. He wore a a plain v-neck with a pair of dark washed jeans and black Jordan Grapes.

"Thanks," he laughed. "So have you been to the restaurant Coconuts yet?"

"Nope. There's a lot of places I haven't been to yet."

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