Truly Yours 23

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Jermaine POV

- Three Weeks Later

Today was finally the start of the week me and Miguel were kicking off 'The Born Dream Tour'. Don't even ask about the corny tour name. Stephen really thought he was doing something when he put together 'Born Sinner' and 'Kaleidoscope Dream'. Today was only Saturday, but we actually had our first show scheduled for tomorrow in Toronto. So that's exactly where we were right now. The big homie Drake so happen to be back home, so he suggested we partied with him to kick our tour off.

So that's exactly what we were doing; but of course, we had to find and get to the actual club first. With slow poke Christina wanting to be 'Ms. Perfect', it looked as if we wasn't going to ever make it!

Two days after my interview for Sway In The Morning, her cramps and heart burn went away, and so did her urge to puke. I told her little ass that she was just sick, but she aint wanna listen to me. My baby is all better now though, so that's all that matters.

As I waited for her to come out the bathroom, I sent a quick tweet to my followers.

TO ALL MY TORONTO FANS, ME AND @MiguelUnlimited WILL BE AT THE Sijaz Lounge IN A FEW MINUTES! #KickOffToTBDT #WeReallyOutChea #FuckWitchaBoys

Right after I sent the tweet, Chris appeared in front of me.

"How do I look?" she asked as she gave me a pose. I guess she was finally done getting ready.

She brought out the little black dress of hers that I loved to see her in, paired with a pair of heels and hoops that were both the color gold. She had on just the right amount of make-up, and a gold clutch was attached to her wrist.

"Awe man," I said as I shook my head. "Turn around and let daddy get a full body spin."

I grabbed her hand as she eagerly gave me a quick spin. I had to admit, she was looking might fine in that tight ass dress she was wearing. Then again, Christina looked good in everything. As each day that flew by, the anticipation leading up to the day I wanted to propose built more and more. I was a little nervous of course since the day was quickly approaching, but I was extremely excited for it.

Come to think of it, the box that contained the ring was the very first thing I packed for this tour. I had to make sure I didn't forgot it or a nigga would be screwed!

"You look good as usual baby," I said as I quickly got up from the couch and kissed her.

"Thankyou," she grinned. "I'm ready when ever you are."

I made sure to grab my cellphone and my keys, shut the lights off, then we were on our way.

Once arriving at the club Drake recommended, I wasn't surprised to see the place packed. There were people covering every inch of the building. I was surprised to hear the song 'Bohemian Grove' by Ab-Soul playing through the speakers. A lot of people weren't necessarily familiar with him, but I guess here in Canada it was different.

After making my way through the huge crowd of people, with Christina closely behind me, the DJ suddenly made an announcement.

"Y'all having fun tonight?" the man yelled into the microphone.

The sea of people cheered as I meanwhile spotted Drake and Miguel upstairs on the second level of the club.

"Aye look, we the homie Drake in the building, back home showing love! Toronto make some noise!"

Everyone went crazy as Drake suddenly threw numerous dollar bills down on the crowd.

"And we also got the big homies Miguel and J. Cole in the building kicking off their Born Dream tour. Show love!" the DJ continued.

Everyone of course went crazy again as I smiled. I was grateful for every last one of my fans. I wouldn't be able to do what I do today if it wasn't for them.

"Make sure y'all go get y'all tickets for their seven o'clock show tomorrow at Massey Hall, before it's too late! With that being said, turn the fuck up!" the DJ added before getting off the microphone, then playing the music again.

Me and Christina continued through the crowd of people again as we made our way to the stairs that lead up to the V.I.P section. Before we even reached the stairs though, Chris ran into Nazanin as we passed the bar. I let her be, and continued on towards the stairs by myself.

Once I was finally upstairs, I dapped Drake and a Miguel up, then joined them on the black, leather sofa they were chilling on. A good amount of drinks were flowing, so I decided to have me a few. Apparently, there were three private dancers here for our entertainment, but I wasn't paying them any attention.

"So what's been up witcha nigga?" Drake asked as he gulped down his fourth drink.

"Nothing. Grinding. You?"

"Same. No sleep. Gonna be releasing a new project soon."

"That's wassup. Hope everything goes well on that."

"Right on. What's up with you and Chris?"

"Shit. I'm proposing in a few days."

"Get out of here," he laughed.

"Exactly what I said!" Miguel chimed in as one of the female bartenders suddenly appeared, and handed him another drink.

"Why y'all don't think I'm serious?" I chuckled.

Drake shrugged his shoulders as he slouched down in his seat. "Y'all been together for forever but I just can't imagine you finally tying the knot."

"Man I'm ready to settle down. I'm ready to start a family and shit."

"I feel you. A nigga gone be invited to the wedding right?"

"Of course, of course."

"I better be! Shit."

We all laughed as we all drowned down some more drinks. I was enjoying every minute of just talking and soaking in the moment. The amount of drinks in my system had me a bit on the tipsy side. Miguel only had about a total of two drinks, and Drake was completely drunk. Despite the fact of everything naturally being funny to me, Drake was saying some real shit.

They say drunk people are the most honest, right?

After joking around with them, it was finally time to head back to the tour bus for some sleep. When me and Miguel met back up with Christina and Nazanin, I wasn't surprised to see that they had a few drinks in their systems too. Nazanin was a little on the tipsy side as well, and Chris was completely drunk. Miguel was sober enough to carry Chris back to the bus while me and Nazanin held on to each others shoulders for support. With both of us barely being able to walk, we still somehow got back to the bus.

The good thing about being tipsy was that, although we we're on the verge of being drunk if we had a few more drinks, we we're still a little sober. We may not have been completely sober, but we were still somewhat aware of the things going on around us.

Once finally on the bus, Christina instantly collapsed and went to sleep, and Nazanin joined her. I stayed up talking to Miguel about stupid shit, then eventually fell asleep too. We had a long day ahead of us, considering that tomorrow was our first show for this week long tour.

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