Truly Yours 2

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I sped up my pace as I heard Jermaine following close behind me on my heels. I ignored him as I swung open the main entrance door of the hospital, and stepped foot inside the parking garage.

I felt Jermaine grab a hold of my arm as I made my way towards my car.

"Chris just hear me out," he pleaded.

His dark brown eyes pierced into mine as he still held my arm.

"Don't touch me!" I said sternly as I looked away from him.

"I know what I said was wrong and I just want to apologize." 

"Save your apologies because nine times out of ten you meant what you said." 

"Christina I swear I didn't." 

"Did you forget that you once dated this 'ugly runt of the family'? Jermaine just stay of out my life. I've been doing just fine without you." 

"Christina I'm sorry. Please forgive me."

"Sorry doesn't always fix things Jermaine - and you should know that by now!" I spat as I broke free of his grip and made my way to my car.

He quickly jumped in front of me to open my door as I climbed inside.

"Chris can you please just give me another chance," he cried.

I hated seeing Jermaine cry.

From the past years of me knowing him, he was definitely not the hard tough guy. He only put on a show for his boys. Jermaine was the most romantic and sweet person, and I would be lying if I said I didn't miss him - because I did.

Us being separated is just the best thing at the moment.

"Chris can you at least let me take you out? I want another chance!"

"Bye Jermaine," I said calmly as I placed my car into gear and drove off.

I laid on my king sized bed as I stared up at the ceiling reminiscing on the memories I shared with my grandmother. I probably looked like a complete idiot, because I had tears streaming out of my eyes - but a smile plastered across my face at the same time.

All of the memories that I had of me and Grammy was nothing but happy memories.

Except for the time where I received my very first whipping - from her.

I chuckled just by thought of it. No matter how nice she was to you - if you ever got out of line, she would be quick to grab anything within arms reach and beat you with it.

She didn't care who you were.

The worst beating I ever received from her was when I was beat with an extension cord at age thirteen - for something Claire did.

Claire prank called the fire department, and about five minutes later, five fire trucks came pulling up to the front of the house. Of course she lied and said that it was me that called them, and for about two weeks, I could barely sit down.

Still to this day I hate her for that.

Although I received a lot of beatings from Grammy, there was also happy memories that I had of her.

Growing up, our mom worked funny hours at a big name warehouse, so we rarely got to see her. Me and Claire spent literally every summer over Grammy house - because she claimed paying for a babysitter was 'too much'.

Every day over Grammy house, we would either go to the park, help her cook, or just straighten up the house while we were there.

Truly Yours | J. ColeWhere stories live. Discover now