Chapter 40. Baby Buisness

Start from the beginning

We all laughed through the entire thing as she performed all the routine duties of a normal check up. It turns out that she was really cool after all seeing that she was only in her mid 30's that explained a lot. Her first name was Dominique, she was married, and had two kids of her own. She was goin to be my doctor through out the rest of my prenancy.

Dr.Philips: Alright are u ready to see your baby?(she smiled)
Yatta: As ready as I'll ever be.(I laughed)
Dr.Philips: Ok now this gel is kind of cold, and it'll be a little uncomfortable at first. I know I hated when I was pregnant, and my doctor would just slap it on me without a warning. Sometimes them hormones told me to slap the hell out of him, but I kept my composure.(she said pourin some on my stomach)

Even though I had this done before I still flinched just a little from the feeling. She put the monitor on my stomach, and start moving it close by my pelvic area. On the screen I couldnt believe what I was seeing because I was still unconvinced that this was real sometimes. When she turned the monitor on I was captivated once again by the sound of a little heart beat. I dont know what it is, but its like whenever I hear that sound the world stops freezing me in time.

Dr.Philips: That right there is the head, and if u look really close u can see the little hands.
Tae: Is it possible to tell the sex yet?
Dr.Philips: Not right now, but he only has about another month in a half for that. Normally in most pregnancies u have to be 18-20 weeks pregnant to be able to tell.
Tae: So how many months is that?(he laughed)
Dr.Philips: Im sorry.(she laughed) Its basically five months.
Tae: Oh ok, and he's what three months now right?
Dr.Philips: Actually he's almost 12 weeks.
Tae: Months please.(he laughed)
Dr.Philips: Ugh im sorry force of habit.(she laughed) He's almost three months. So your coming close to the end of your first trimester. If you've noticed u probably dont feel as tired, or throw up anymore.
Yatta: U know I havent thrown up in a while.
Dr.Philips: Thats because your entering your second trimester.
Tae: Can yall tell the date of conception, and stuff like that?
Dr.Philips: We can take a guess, but most times its not really accurate even though we try to get as close to the date as possible. Would u guys like to know?
Tae: Yea if u can tell us.
Dr.Philips: Ok just let me get him cleaned off.(she said wiping the gel off of me and turning off the monitor)

When she turned off the monitor its like I was free'd from my trance. I sat up on the table, and Tae got up standing in front of me placing his hands on my stomach. We just smiled at eachother, and exchanged a quick kiss as I put my hands on top of his.

Tae: U starting to get a lil bump shawty.(he smiled)
Dr.Philips: Trust me its going to get A LOT bigger.(she chimed in)
Yatta: Thats one question that I do have. Exactly how big am I goin to get?I dont wanna be walkin around lookin like a beached whale, and what about stretch marks?
Dr.Philips: It all depends on the growth of the baby. They also have many different types of creams for stretch marks it just depends on which one u prefer. I can recommend a few if you'd like?
Yatta: Yea cuz im gone start using it now.(I laughed)
Dr.Philips: U sound like me.(she laughed) But here's my chart now let's see. It looks like you may have gotten pregnant anywhere between October 2nd and the 10th.(she said lookin at the chart)

When she said that Tae just start cheesing, and I couldnt help but to laugh.

Dr.Philips: Im guessing u two remember.(she said lookin at us)
Tae: My birthday is October 2nd.(he laughed)
Yatta: Thats also the day he took my virginity.
Dr.Philips: Ooohhh a lil birthday sex I gotcha.(she laughed)
Tae: Yea it was something like that.(he laughed)
Dr.Philips: So what do u guys want to have?
Yatta: I want a girl, but he wants a boy.
Dr.Philips: Mmm thats classic. Me and my husband were the same way. U should make it fun by turning it into a bet.
Tae: That sounds like a good idea.(he smiled at me)
Yatta: No nasty.(I laughed)
Tae: I wasnt even thinking nothin like that shawty.
Yatta: Yea right.
Dr.Philips: Well it was nice meeting u two, and I wish u guys nothin but the best. Now I'll be seeing u more, and more as the days progress so get use to me because im gonna be around for a while.(she smiled shaking our hand)
Yatta: I guess we dont have a choice.(I laughed)

When we left the doctors office we headed for the last apartment complex that we wanted to look at. The two bedroom was kind of expensive, but this was a really nice apartment. It was roomy, the kitchen was beautiful, the bathroom was nice, and the view was so pretty. I stood out on the balcony looking at the scenery when Tae came up behind me wrappin his arms around my waist.

Tae: So what u think bae?
Yatta: I like it.(I smiled)
Tae: U sure u dont like none if the other ones?
Yatta: I mean yea, but I REALLY like this one.
Tae: This apartment a lil over our budget though shawty.
Yatta: Not by that much.
Tae: I dont know bae.
Yatta: Please.
Tae: Ima have to think about this bae.
Yatta: Ok.(I sighed)
Tae: Dont do that shawty I didnt say no.
Yatta: Thinking about it means the same thing.
Tae: No it dont shawty it mean im gone think about it.
Yatta: I guess.
Tae: Bae I promise u im gone think about it ok.(he said makin me look him in the eyes)
Yatta: Ok.

After we left the apartment complex it was almost 1 o'clock. We decided to get something to eat before going back to the dorm. We both had some work for school to finish so we were gonna work on that together. When he unlcoked the door Lora was sitting on the couch, but jumped up when she saw us.

Lora: Its about damn time! Do u know how long I been waitin on yo skinny ass? Hey T-T baby.(she said touching my stomach)
Tae: Lo what the hell u doin here, and what u tell yo ass about using that damn key man?(he said wit an attitude)
Lora: Calm down bro Yatta suppose to be helpin me wit some stuff for my wedding today.
Yatta: I am?(I asked confused)
Lora: Yes u are since yo ass been avoidin me for the longest time. Thats why I had to pop up on yall. Whenever u aint at work u studying, and I know u off today so lets go.(she said pullin me to the door but Tae pulled me back)
Tae: Nah Lo we got work to finish before Christmas break.
Lora: We not gone even be gone that long Tae.
Tae: Yall can go after we done.(he snapped)
Lora: No we can go now.(she snapped back)

While they were arguing I sat down, and started eating my food still watchin them. Eventually I tuned them all the way out because this double quarter pounder with mac-sauce was the shit right now.

Tae & Lora: Yatta what u wanna do!?(they said lookin at me)

I didnt know what to say since I hadnt heard the end, well, most of their argument.

Yatta: Umm....Eat.(I said smiling innocently holding up my burger)

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