Chapter Sixty-Four

Start from the beginning

The guardians at the door simply peered at Jameson before gesturing for us to leave. I didn't know my way to the jail cells, and after this trek I probably still won't. Jameson, however, knew exactly where we were going and guided me through a maze of corridors and stairs, which is, of course, why I'll never remember the way.

When we finally got to the jail area, it seemed possible that the chaos had even made it's way down here, making it easy for Jameson to sneak us past the front desk.

"I didn't take you for a criminal mastermind, Jameson." I whispered as he lead me down a long corridor.

Jameson chuckled, "For you." He smiled down at me and I gazed up at him, wondering if there was a way that I could truly capture this moment. Jameson looked away first, swiping a card through a door once we reached it. He entered the room first, for which I was grateful, and kept a tighter grasp on my hand this time.

I saw why when I turned to each side of the corridor, seeing curious and worn out faces as they watched my every move. I would be lying if I said it didn't creep me out—because it did. Then I began to wonder what sort of crimes these people had committed; were they people like the unknown mastermind of all my attacks, people who broke the rules of the academy? Or were they people like Harry, innocent people who just happened to get swept into the whirlwind?

I didn't have time to question it anymore though, as Jameson turned left and walked us into a big room. In that big room, there was one very small cell, and upon peering in, I saw that it was Harry's cell.

Jameson refused to move any closer so I let go of his hand and walked over to the cell on my own. I heard a sigh behind me before I saw Jameson's shadow hover over mine. I turned around to face him, a few inches behind me, and he gave me a quick ernest nod. I smiled appreciatively before turning back to Harry's cell to see the owner rising up from a drab bed.

"Sky?" His eyes were wide in surprise, but I saw past all pretences and noticed his fading frame, dark deep circles under his eyes. Those eyes gazed off behind me, "Jameson?" Harry didn't take his time with getting to the front of his cell. I felt Jameson grab my hand, trying to pull me back. I planted my feet firmly to the ground but decided to hold onto a his hand.

"What are you doing here?" Harry asked, looking between Jameson and me. Jameson stepped forward so that he was standing in line with me.

I cleared my throat, "I–" I turned to look at Jameson, "We wanted to ask you something." I used the term 'something' very cautiously, since I knew in reality I wanted to shoot every question I had at him. But, feeling as if some of Jameson's tactful knowledge was seeping into me, I knew that I had to do this right. I turned back to see Harry's reaction, which was muted of course, but I couldn't help but notice the relief on his features.

"Okay." He agreed and I smiled, ready to ask my questions.

"Who are you working with?" I asked him and Harry gulped. I narrowed my eyes, my stare saying 'you agreed to tell us'. Just as I was about to use a warning and threatening tone on him, he spoke up.

"I can't tell you, but you'll find out soon." Harry looked elsewhere, as if ashamed by his omissions. Well, I would be too. That was a disgrace of an answer.

Jameson's body soon had edged forward enough to make anyone think I was in grave danger. "What do you mean, 'find out soon'?" Jameson asked, though his tone was more threatening than questioning.

"I swear," Harry seemed to tremble, "I know nothing." He told us, quivering with fear. Jameson, who was trembling with fury, was about to strangle the poor guy when I intervened.

I placed a palm on his shoulder, "Jameson." It was only his name, but it spoke volumes, it was a warning, yet soft enough that I felt him relax under my touch. I stepped forward so that I was next to Jameson, ready to ask a question of my own. Instead, I got a fright when Jameson beat me to it.

"Why were you working with this person?" Jameson asked, a tone so deathly and sour that it sounded as if he'd never met Harry before in his life. Harry's eyes lingered on me before they switched to Jameson's hard glance.

Harry sighed, averting his eyes, "We made a deal." He told us and I instantly felt sympathy for him, then again, he was promised something; he did it willingly.

"What did they promise you?" Again, Jameson beat me to it, and I began to regret ever asking him to come here in the first place. However, Jameson's question had made Harry stumble on his words, and I could feel Jameson becoming impatient.

Luckily enough, Harry spoke up before Jameson could rip off his head. "They promised to keep a secret." He admitted, sounding depressed.

"What is the secret?" I finally spoke up and Harry's eyes were looking everywhere but at mine. He sighed and out of the corner of my eye I saw Jameson's arm reach in the cell and grab Harry by the collar. I instantly dove into action and tugged at Jameson's sleeve.

"Jameson, stop." He wasn't listening to me as his eyes sent a million threats to Harry just by looking at him. "Please?" My voice was soft and light, hoping to quickly attract Jameson's attention. And that it did, Jameson's arm froze and he drew it back to his side. With one last soothing rub of Jameson's arm, I turned to face Harry with an eyebrow raised.

Harry pulled at his hair as he squeezed his eyes shut. A few moments passed, of which I spent anticipating his response; what is so bad that someone was able to control him by? Then again, if it was kept a secret, it's always bad.

Then, not even opening his eyes, his voice—barely audible and strained—spoke out.

"I raped someone."



I'm eating


A miracle

Bye humans







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