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I know this story wasn't very long, but it was a prequel...so that's my excuse.

However, I did want to thank anyone who has read this book, for reading it. It means a lot because when I was younger I would write stuff like this, and then delete it because I was afraid someone would see it. Now, I always want to send my English Teacher a link to my wattpad profile and say "stop correcting my essays and see that people actually read my stuff" but that would be uncalled for.

Note, that since this is a prequel, there is technically already a book of stuff that takes place after this...and that would be part one in the series so far. I will probably write a Season 6 story as well once it airs, just because I'd love to keep Elizabeth's story going with the other characters.

Thanks again to anyone who read this book (and the other book), it means a lot.

Bye! :)

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