11 | Mission Impossible

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Chapter Eleven

This is by far the dumbest idea we've ever come up with.

Although nobody really thoroughly explained it to me yet, I have a feeling that whatever it is will probably be stupid.

Stiles interrupted my thoughts by placing the third, and final, laptop on Scott's kitchen table.

"Is three enough?" Kira chirped,

"Depends on how many cameras they have, but it better be. I can't afford another one..." I muttered.

"Are we really doing this?" Liam chimed in.

"We're doing it." Scott affirmed. "Tonight."

I told myself that I would tell Liam how I felt if I made it out of that vault alive.

Well here I am, alive, and I still can't find the words. Why does being a teenager have to be so freaking complicated?

"But, isn't it kinda dangerous?" Liam weakly questioned.

"Yeah, it's incredibly dangerous, and borderline idiotic." Stiles bluntly replied,

"Have you guys done something like this before?" Liam badgered, earning a scoff from me.

"Something dangerous, or something idiotic?" I narrowed my eyes.

"I think that's a yes to both." Kira sighed.

Liam looked down, gaining Scott's attention. "You don't have to be a part of it if you don't want to." Scott reassured.

Liam's eyes met mine before he turned back to Scott, "I'm not scared." Liam argued.

"Then you're borderline idiotic." I grinned, patting his hand that remained on the table.

"If we do this, we don't know what's coming for us. You know that right?" Stiles clarified, looking between the group.

"We've never known what was coming for us, that's the fun of it." I smirked, wiggling my eyebrows.

Kira's face contorted slightly. "How do we even know that something's definitely coming?" she acknowledged.

"Because the tape from Garrett's bag said visual confirmation required." Scott pointed out.

"Speaking of that asshole, how come I didn't get to kill him? Hm? How come a giant boney-bear-thing got to do it?" I complained, crossing my arms.

Scott shot me a look, "Because we don't kill people, Liz."

"He almost killed Liam and I. If you didn't find us, we'd be dead." I asserted, letting out a laugh.

"If I didn't. But I did." Scott reiterated,

"Look- Simon said the same thing." Stiles turned the conversation back on track, causing me to shiver at the mention of the teacher's name. "He couldn't get paid by the benefactor until he had proof that you guys were dead."

"So the idea is, 'what if you kill someone on the dead pool, but you can't send the proof'?" Scott announced.

"You don't get paid." Kira affirmed, earning a nod from me.

"But how does that get us any closer to the benefactor?" Liam's eyebrows furrowed.

"He still needs to know if the target is really dead." Scott explained,

"Especially if it's someone high on the list." Stiles added, looking between Scott and I.

"So, if he wants visual confirmation.." Liam began,

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