chapter 20

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"oh Katie! you're alright!" Renée smiled as she ran towards her daughter.

the two hugged for several minutes and shed a few tears. they finally broke apart and Charlie slowly walked over.

"dad I'm so sorry." Katie said as she reached her arms out to give her dad a hug.

"don't be sorry Kate. I'm just lucky that Carlisle and his family was out hiking when you decided to go for a walk. what were you thinking ?" Charlie chuckled a little bit.

the three caught up for a bit and then Charlie left to go get a cup of coffee. Renée sat down at the edge of the bed.

"so that boyfriend of yours" she winked at Katie.

Katie giggled "he's a keeper isn't he"

"he hasn't left your side at all. he really is in love with you. I'm glad you finally found someone to make you happy" Renée smiled at Katie.

the two hugged once more, until they were interrupted by Carlisle walking into the room.

Renée moved out of the way and sat across the room.

"hello darling, how are you feeling" he bent down to kiss her on the forehead.

"I just have a slight headache , but I'll be okay." she informed him and smiled slightly.

Renée sat back in her chair and smiled at the two.  she was so happy that her daughter has finally found someone to keep her safe and happy.

• • • • • • • • •

a week has passed and Katie was feeling better. she was still in the hospital and Carlisle still hasn't left her side.

Katie had become more and more bored each day. some of the doctors came into her room to keep her company when they weren't busy but it wasn't the same as being at home and out of the hospital.

Katie sat in her hospital bed reading a magazine , when dr. shepherd came in for a hourly check up.

"hello Katie, how're you feeling today?" dr. shepherd said as he walked over to her bedside.

"eh , pretty good." she answered.

"well I know how to make you feel better.    you get to go home today!" he smiled at her.

the minute he said it, Carlisle stood up and smiled widely.

"oh my gosh! for real!" Katie smiled and sat up in bed.

"yes, your vitals are great and all you have to is take it easy, and I'm sure you can do that at home" dr. shepherd smiled at her once more.

he checked everything once more and then helped Carlisle pack everything to go.
once everything was settled,  a nurse walked in with a wheelchair. Carlisle helped Katie up. she placed her foot on the ground. she hasn't taken a step since the first day she was in the hospital.

she began to put pressure on her foot and a pain shot up her leg. Katie instantly sat back in the bed.
  Carlisle pushed the wheelchair closer to her and helped her sit down. he began to push her down the hallway and towards the exit.

it was warm outside. the temperature was probably in the 70's. the sun was out and shining brightly with no clouds in the sky.
Katie breathed in the fresh air and smiled as Carlisle pushed her towards his shiny black car. he helped her into the passenger seat and she buckled up.

it took about 5 minutes to pack everything , and he finally was finished. Carlisle got into the drivers seat and looked at Katie. he smiled at her before starting the car.

the drive home was silent. Katie laid her head on Carlisle's shoulder while he drove and that was pretty much it. the quiet was comforting.

as he pulled into Katie's driveway, she smiled so big. Charlie came out to help Katie into the house and up to her bedroom. getting up the stairs was difficult but she managed through the pain.           once she was settled into bed, Charlie left the room leaving Carlisle and Katie alone.

the two talked for awhile until Katie fell asleep on Carlisle's shoulder. the minute she fell asleep, she started to dream.

images of glass, and blood, flashed in her brain. she saw her body laying on the ground, bleeding. to her right, was James, biting into her wrist like he did before. and to her left, was Carlisle , smiling at Katie with an evil look.

"Katie is okay. shh" she heard Carlisle say.

her eyes jerked open as she realized she was in her room.. safe.   she was sweating like crazy and breathing hard. Carlisle looked at her worriedly.

"it's alright my love. you are safe and I will never let anything or anyone hurt you ever again." he assured her.

Katie believe what Carlisle said. after seeing what Carlisle did to James after he bit her, she knows that another person will never lay a hand on her again.

but only one problem popped into her head now. she hasn't actually taken a step since the ballet studio. the doctors urged her to try walking every once in awhile but she denied them. she was too scared of being in pain again and she still is.
the last time she was in pain, she almost died and now , she's terrified of being in pain.

the problem that existed in her life at the very moment was the only priority.


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