chapter 3

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I woke up that morning in an empty hospital room. ugh.. I was still here. all I wanted to do was go home. I looked over at the nightstand and saw the deck of cards, Carlisle and I played with last night. my phone was sitting there as well. I picked it up and got on my messages. I found Charlies number and texted him, telling him I was ready to come home.

about an hour later, Charlie came. Carlisle was with him when they came into the room. he talked to Charlie some, before turning to me.

"alright Katie, you'll be all set to go once we give you, your final checkup." Carlisle smiled at me and winked.

I blushed as my heart monitor jumped a little. Carlisle helped me out of bed and to a wheelchair. we all went down to the ER and Carlisle began to check everything.

he checked my heart, he made sure eyes were dilating, and he looked at my throat. the last thing he needed to do was draw a bit of blood for tests. I rolled up my sleeve as he took the needle out of a case. he began to insert the needle into my arm and started to take my blood.

just as a tiny bit of blood came out, Carlisle acted as if he was choking. he proceeded but he looked like he was about to vomit. I looked up at him in worry.

"uh, Doctor Cullen? are you alright?" I said worryingly.

he looked down at me and smiled partially. he still looked sick.

"y-yes Katie. I am f-fine. I just don't feel real well." he said as he looked over his shoulder.

"nurse can you please finish taking Katie's blood? I need to go sit down for a few" he spit his words out as if he was in pain.

the nurse came over and took Carlisle's spot. I looked over as he went across the room quickly. he sat down on a bench and placed his hand over his nose. he looked at me like I smelled and he couldn't take it.
I grabbed a piece of my hair unnoticeably and smelled it. I smelled fine. my hair smelled like coconuts, my conditioner. did something on me stink?

the nurse finished up with my blood and I stood up, ready to go. I looked over at Carlisle before I got to the exit. he wouldn't even make eye contact with me.

well, looks like I just ruined my chances of getting a boyfriend. I thought.


the next 2 weeks dragged on. I did the same thing over and over. I helped out around the house. Charlie doesn't cook so I cooked him breakfast and dinner. he worked all day because he was a police officer, so I was stuck at home by myself most of the time.

during most of my free time, I sat in the living room watching greys anatomy. I also read a lot. Forks was a very boring town.

it was a Tuesday afternoon when I went to the market. I decided to get some new things to cook with so I could surprise Charlie with dinner. I got some rice and chicken and other things to cook with, before I went to the checkout counter.
I bought all the items and proceeded to the exit. I stopped by a news stand on the way out, and saw a flyer for volunteering at the local vet. this caught my eye, so I picked one up and proceeded to my car.

when I got home I put all the food away and started to cook the rice on the stove. while it was cooking I pulled the flyer out of my purse and sat at the table, reading it. there was a number at the bottom of the flyer so I grabbed my phone and dialed the number.

"hello?" a male voice came on the other line.

"hi, my name is Katie. I saw a flyer at the market about how you guys are looking for a volunteer?" I asked the guy.

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