chapter 14

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I got home just in time. It was almost time for Carlisle to come pick me up.
I ran inside and looked in the mirror to make sure I looked acceptable. I pulled my hair up in a pony tail and then ran into the living room and kissed Charlie on the cheek.

"I'll be home sometime" I said turning to answer the door that I'm guessing Carlisle just knocked on.

I opened it smiling because I was correct. my gorgeous boyfriend awaited me on the other side of the door.

"hello love" Carlisle smiled at me.

I yelled goodbye to Charlie and began to walk out the door with Carlisle's hand in mine. he was ice cold but it was comforting.

he helped me into his fancy car and began to drive to the same direction as he did yesterday.
instead of pulling up to his house and followed a small road infront of his house until we saw a large meadow/field. he parked next to the other cars, which I'm guessing belonged to his kids.

"Katie!" Alice squealed and ran over to me, pulling me into a hug.

I liked Alice a lot.

"so.. baseball?" I turned towards Carlisle, who was smirking at me.

"don't worry love, you'll ump for us, we can't have you getting hurt can we?" he smiled as he walked over.

Alice came back over soon enough with a white jersey type thing in her hand. she had me put it over my shirt and I saw that everybody was wearing the same thing.

my thoughts were interrupted by a loud crash of thunder. Alice smiled.

"it's time." she said.

I stood behind "home plate" as Rosalie walked up with a bat in her hand. Alice began to pitch. I didn't even see the ball come in because it was so fast. if Rosalie were to miss it, surely I'd be impaled. but I didn't get hit. Rosalie smacked the baseball straight into the woods. surely it would be a home run.

"Edwards fast my love, it's not a home run if that's what you're thinking" Carlisle said, answering my thought.

Edward went running into the woods and it was soon thrown to home plate. Emmett caught the ball and tagged Rosalie.

"you're out" I looked at Rosalie who was glaring at me.

she looked like she could rip me to pieces. I backed up a bit.
she walked right by me as Carlisle walked up to the plate.

I watched as they played until Rosalie was back up again. she smacked the ball into the woods. Alice suddenly looked up with a facial expression like she saw ghost.

"stop!" she yelled.

Carlisle ran over to me. he told me to put my hair down. I pulled my hair out of my ponytail, as we all began to walk.

3 people walked up to us. just by the looks of them, I could tell they were vampires.

one of them had dreadlocks. he had the baseball that Rosalie hit in his hand.

"I believe this belongs to you" he said as he threw the ball to Carlisle.

"thank you" Carlisle said.

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