chapter 24

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"so you probably have to get back to that date don't you?" Katie asked Carlisle, taking a step back.

"it doesn't matter if I go back. I don't exactly want to be there" Carlisle inched his way closer to Katie.

Katie tried her best to distance herself from him. she looked down at her feet, kicking a little bit of dirt as she relived what just happened.

"Katie may I please just say that I am truly, deeply sorry and I just want to start over." Carlisle finally blurted out.

the second he spoke, a tear trickled down katies cheek. she reached her hand up and wiped tear, but more just kept coming.

"Carlisle I-" she began to speak.

"no Katie , just listen. I shouldn't have left you alone. this was all my fault but i can promise you my existence that I will never leave your side again. I will protect you from anything and everything. just give me one more chance and I will prove to you that you will never be put in harms way , ever again." Carlisle reached his hand out to grab hers.

Katie was now completely crying. she slowly shook her head no and stepped back from him once more.

"no." she whispered "no Carlisle. I can't do this again. you say I'll be happy, but I don't know if I'll ever be able to be happy again. I'm too scared that if I let myself be happy for even one moment, that the worlds just going to come crashing down. and I don't know if I'll be able to survive that. not again." she was crying even harder now.

"I will make sure that the world will always stay up. you will always be happy for now on Katie." this time, Carlisle wasn't going to let Katie back away.

"I can't do this Carlisle. I can't keep getting hurt. I'm tired of crying everyday and constantly hurting inside. I- I can't do this" Katie cried.

she repeated herself "I can't do this"

only this time, she didn't back away. she threw herself into his arms and hugged him tightly, sobbing into chest.

Carlisle said nothing. he just wrapped his arms around her small little frame and let her cry.

after about 10 minutes, Carlisle and Katie separated from their hug.
Katie wiped her face and looked at Carlisle.

"so where does this leave us?.." he asked her.

Katie was silent for awhile.

"maybe we can talk again. slowly get back together. but nothing will ever be the same Carlisle." Katie whispered.

Carlisle didn't bother arguing. he pulled her into another hug and then grabbed her hand. they slowly began walking back down the trail and to the cars.

Carlisle helped Katie into the passenger seat and then went over to the drivers side.
Katie handed him her keys and then buckled up.

"do you want to get coffee or something first?" Carlisle asked, looking at Katie.

"sure" Katie said.

Carlisle sat back in the seat and smiled to himself. he was so glad to have Katie talking to him again finally.
he didn't realize how much he missed her until now.

sorry guys for such a short chapter, I didn't know what else to right. but alright! it's time for the contest winner announcement!

the winner is .........
AfroPayne !!! congrats !!!! I already messaged you and I'll message you soon with more information!

For As Long As I Existحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن