chapter 13

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I woke up around eleven.. alone. Carlisle was nowhere to be seen. I sighed and got up, walking to the bathroom. I jumped into the shower and began washing my hair. I started to think about what I was going to do all day.

I finally got out of the shower and then looked for some clothes to put on. I thought that I should just put on the clothes I was going to wear to Carlisle's so I picked out some yoga pants and a grey's anatomy t-shirt I ordered off of amazon. I grabbed a hoodie from my closet and slipped on some tennis shoes.

I heard Charlie in the kitchen as I walked down the stairs. I smiled as I walked in.

"hey dad, got any ideas of what I can do today before I go to Carlisle's?" I walked up behind him.

"it's weird hearing you refer dr.cullen to his first name. but , max has been asking about ya. his dad and I are pretty close, how come you didn't tell me" he turned to me, taking a bite of his toast.

I smiled at this fact "really? you  are?"

"yeah, you and max used to play together when you were younger." Charlie informed me.

knowing this gave me the idea to go see Max. I told him what I was doing and grabbed my car keys. I walked out the front door and to my car. 

it only took me 20 minutes to get to the vet. I hoped max was working today. I got out of my car and walked towards the vet entrance. I haven't been here since the accident. Max wanted me to take some time off.

I smiled when I saw max at the front desk writing on a piece of paper.

"Katie! hey! how are you?" max smiled looking up at me.

"I'm great! my hands all better now. Charlie, my dad, told me that your dad and my dad know each other. evidently you and I used to play together when we were younger." I told him the new information.

"really? oh my!" he was surprised by the news "here I'm gonna take off the rest of the day so we can go hang out."

I smiled and him and I walked outside to the parking lot. Max offered to drive so I jumped into the passenger seat of my car. Max decided to drive to a local beach called LaPush. it was too cold to get in the water so we were just going to take a walk.

"so, you're a doctor girl?" max said, referring to Carlisle.

I laughed "so you're a dog guy"

Max started to laugh then murmured to   himself  "you'd be surprised"

I wanted to think about that random comment, but I decided to just shake it off.

"it's a shame" he said

I looked at him "what is?"

"that you decided to go with a cold blood sucker. i started to like you" he looked at me.

"blood sucker?" I questioned. did he know ?

"nothing, it's just a story that runs in my family. it's honestly so dumb" he acted like what he said was a mistake.

"tell me" I wanted to hear it.

"okay so like my family evidentially descends from wolves and the Cullen's descends from vampires , and a long time ago , our ancestors noticed that the Cullen's moved here and we made a treaty that they cannot come on our land and we can't come on theirs and harm anything or anybody.  it's kindve like a fairytale." he finished the story.

I was interested in it a lot. wolves and vampires eh?

I pulled my hand up and looked at my wrist where my watched was strapped on. it said 3:30. Carlisle would be at my house in a half hour.

"well crap, I have a date in a half hour. we need to go" I said turning around, beginning to walk towards my car.

"you go, it'll take a bit to get back home." he said.

"huh? how are you gonna get home ?" I questioned him. he didn't drive here in his car.

"I'll run. I run a lot " he said, beginning to jog.

"what? it's at least 3 miles to the vet??" I was wondering what he was thinking.

he didn't say anymore as he jogged off into the woods. I shrugged it off and got into my car, beginning to drive home.

I have a date to get to.

||continue reading for an announcement||

so it looks like Max is going to be the Jacob of this fanfic. and yes, I referenced him to Jamie dornan.😂 sorry for such a short chapter, the next one will be much longer I promise.

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