chapter six

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I haven't seen Carlisle for 2 days. my arm was better. still in pain, but better. Charlie was working today so I was home alone. it was a pretty nice day outside so I decided to take a walk. I ran upstairs so change into some more comfortable clothes.

I put on some leggings and a comfy shirt. then I put on some running shoes. I threw my hair in a pony tail and then finally was ready to go. I went downstairs and grabbed my jacket and then I was on my way. I walked down the front porch steps and started down the sidewalk.

I was a good mile down the road when I felt a drip of water on my shoulder. then another. great. in minutes it was pouring down rain. I began to turn back. the ran actually felt pretty good. I took my time walking back.

a couple minutes of walking a car came speeding down the road. I looked over and it suddenly came to a stop next to where I was. the windows on the very nice looking car was tinted. suddenly the passenger side window rolled down. Carlisle's gorgeous face appeared inside the car. I smiled.

"wanna ride? maybe go get some coffee?" he asked me.

I took no time to think. I needed to get out of the rain. I nodded and ran over to his car. I opened the car door and jumped inside. I was freezing. I kept my shivering to myself though because I didn't want Carlisle feeling bad for me.

"it's pretty wet out there." Carlisle said as he continued to drive.

I laughed to myself. I put my hands in my pockets to try to warm myself up. no use.

Carlisle's happy attitude suddenly changed. he acted like he was going to get sick. maybe this time I actually smelled bad. I mean, I was wet and all.

I looked over at Carlisle. he scooted himself all the way against the window. like he was trying to get away from me.

"excuse me. I need a little fresh air" he choked out.

he rolled down both windows, as cold air and rain entered the car. I looked down. was I really that bad? I think I was getting sick. I was getting colder and colder. I could no longer take it, I started shivering terribly.

Carlisle looked over at me and seemed worried.

"oh my. you're cold my dear. here." he said normally and rolled the windows up. the heater turned on immediately.

"excuse me love I was feeling a bit ill. forgive me." he said softly.

there he goes with those words. he talks like he doesn't live in this time era. he talks so swiftly.

it took about 10 minutes to get to the coffee shop he was taking me to. he pulled into he parking lot and smiled at me. he got out and quickly went over to my door, helping me out like a gentleman. we walked into the coffee shop and sat down.

I looked around and noticed many women were looking at him. if this were a cartoon I swear I would see heart eyes popping out of their head. I laughed to myself.

"do you realize that all these girls stare at you like you're their matchmaker?" I giggled.

"yes. I do realize that. but I already found my person." he smiled with a half smile, looking at my eyes.

a waiter came over and took our orders. I ordered a hot chocolate and Carlisle didn't order anything.

"you know, I figured when you asked me to go get coffee with you, you'd actually drink some coffee." I joked around with him.

"I um.. I already had coffee earlier. I just wanted to spend some time with you." he smiled.

my hair was still wet and I was a little cold.

"ya know. I really hate the cold. it's definitely not my thing." I said, trying to make conversation.

Carlisle laughed to himself "funny how that turns out" he mumbled.

I shook off what he said. the waiter came with my hot chocolate and I began to sip it. it really helped with my coldness.

"are you sure you don't want anything? you can have a drink of mine." I gestured my hot chocolate to him.

he refused and smiled. we talked for awhile and then we finally decided to leave. I got in the car and Carlisle proceeded to take me home. when he pulled in front of my house, I turned to him.

"am I allowed to kiss you now?" I asked him.

Carlisle didn't say a word. he leaned in and placed his hand on my cheek. I shivered at the coldness. he was always so cold. we were 2 inches from kissing until he spoke.

"I can't right now my love. it's not.. right." he pulled away.

I sighed at his response. I opened the car door and looked back before leaving.

"until next time." he smiled.

"yeah. until then." I smiled back and walked towards my house.

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