You turned to face your friends, unsure of what to do. The Ladyblog was meant for Ladybug after all, and you weren't used to being in the spotlight.

"Go ahead," Ladybug piped up. "The boys and I ought to have some fun at this celebration."

Giving a weak smile in response, you turned back to Alya, refraining from hugging her in relief. You didn't want to reveal your identity. She looked like she was unharmed, only except for a few scratches.

Overall, this was going to be a good day.

An hour later

It was later in the evening, and everyone was exhausted. The occasional group would hang around out on the steps, listening to the quieter thumping music in the backround.

Some trash blew lightly across the road, immediately being scooped up by grumbling janitors and various garbage men.

The sun had already partly gone down, casting a reddish glow onto the streets. After meeting up with your friends, you all decided to go home and rest for later.

There was only one slight problem...

"Where would I live without someone to look after me?" You had nervously asked Adrien.

"I'll get Natalie to check on you after school and on the weekends to make sure you're ok. In the meantime, you're always welcome to spend time at me or Nath's house." He had reassured you.

The mayor ordered everyone to head down to the Eiffel Tower, where a large velvet ribbon had be stretched between two nearby street posts.

"Thank you all for gathering here to today to celebrate this city. Again, I'd like to personally thank these four miraculous teenagers. Without you all, we would not be here today." He projected, turning dead serious.

"Especially the newest member of our wonderful community. She truly demonstrated what it was to stay loyal to our city, and was the main reason that we all are standing here in this moment."

You flushed deeply from atop a building, peering down at the scene. Your companions were somewhere among the crowd, being swamped with photographers and fans. A figure sat down next to you on the rough rooftop, leaning back on their hands.

"Hey, why aren't you with the others?" You inquired, seeing that it was only the Dessinateur. He swung his head over to look at you and shrugged.

"I wanted to get away from all the people. Fame is nice, but it's pretty exhausting." The Dessinateur sighed.

"Well, at least I get to spend the remainder of the day with you." His face glowed pink, and he refused to look you in the eye.

"And now..." Boomed the mayor once more, adjusting his tie. "I officially announce the reopening of Paris!" He took out a giant pair of scissors, which gleamed in the musty light. A loud snip echoed through the air, followed by ecstatic cheering and whooping.

You subtly moved closer to the Dessinateur, resting your tired head on his shoulder. A sigh escaped your mouth, but was interrupted by a hand lightly caressing your chin. The Dessinateur smiled down at you, shifting over to face you directly.

"Well, Nathanael, I didn't take you as the romantic type at first, but you seem to really like me." You giggled, scooting in.

"I honestly didn't know either." He chuckled, leaning towards you.

Your lips met for the third time, but somehow it was...different. The emotions you felt were more powerful, more open. You felt more free to let out your feelings, and he seemed to notice that. The way he worked his lips against yours and held you close to him made your heart flutter.

When you two pulled away, the whole thing felt like a dream. The reddish glow of the sun bounced off Nathanael's skin and hair, making him look like an angel. He gave you a dazed grin, biting his lip.

"(y/n), I was too scared to say this before, but after all we've gone through...I think...I think I have the courage to say it now." The Dessinateur stammered, slipping his hand into yours nervously. "I think I love you."

You gasped, heart swelling. "I love you too," you breathed. It was amazing, having someone say that they actually loved you. After all your years learning that pain was the answer, this moment stuck with you forever.

"Hey lovebugs," Ladybug remarked, interrupting the scene, followed by Chat Noir. "No pun intended," she giggled, plopping next to you. Chat Noir sat down next to Nathanael, smirking.

The four of you stared into the distance, just watching as the last part of the sun sunk into the horizon. Best friends, teammates, and family, you sat side by side.

Hawk Moth was never part of the picture. They were.

And it was all you could ever ask for.

*wholy fluff guys. The book is over. NOOOOOOO. IT JUST PROCESSED. NOOOOO. (deep breath) ok I'm good now. I hope you all enjoyed (y/n)'s emotional, drama-filled journey to find love and friendship! That sounded cheesy.

I'm also so sorry to say, but the playlist idea just won't work. It's a long story :(

Thank you all SO MUCH!

Goodbye for now snazzy readers!*

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