He went into the bathroom to brush his teeth (wouldn't want to have a bad breath on a night as special as this) and when he came back out Cas was there in all his glory.
He was so caught off guard yet so happy. He had almost gotten a fright as it was that unexpected. He just couldn't take his eyes off of his boyfriend.

Cas looked like he had cleaned up too. His hair was freshly combed back and was at undeniable perfection, he smelled great too, like he had sprayed himself with the most expensive perfume or something. The smell wafted into Dean's nose and he sighed. A smile started creeping onto his face. A happy one of course. Cas was wearing a suit with a tie (something which Dean had never ever seen him wear) with black leather shoes. To say he looked incredible would be a terrible understatement, no Cas looked beyond sexy and mysterious.

A big smile was on his face too which Dean was delighted to see. This was their night and he just knew it would turn out to be the best night.

"I missed you so much Dean. Oh my God, I missed you!" Cas said finally to break up the staring and the smiling.
Dean hadn't noticed he wad holding something behind his back until he was being handed his present. It was a basket full with chocolates, an apple pie that Cas probably had cooked himself (those were the ones he desired the most), some music CD's, something wrapped in tinfoil that looked like a shape of a hamburger and many other things wrapped overall in a clear plastic cover thing. It was just like Cas to put in all his favourite things. He felt so special and lucky to have him. How did two years of dating him go by so quickly? He took the basket and put it on his bed right beside him. 

"Thank you so much Cas, your present means a lot to me man but God did I miss you too, you don't know how much! I'm going to make tonight perfect, you'll see. Oh man, just come here would you??" and with saying that, he went over to Cas and hugged him tight, as if he never wanted to let go.
Dean felt Cas' arms go behind him, squeezing him gently yet firmly in the hug.
Cas leaned in towards his boyfriend and whispered in his ear "I love you so much Dean. I don't care if tonight ends up rubbish, as long as you're here with me it'll always be perfect to me." 

Dean chuckled a little before breaking apart the hug to look at Castiel's handsome face. He took his hand to put it onto Cas' cheek. "Man I love you so much it should be illegeal" Dean admitted, laughing at his own joke.

"Still, after two good years together, you haven't learned to be funny? Why isn't my funniness rubbing off on you yet Dean Winchester?"

"Eh, maybe because you're not funny Castiel Novak?"

"Okay, now my feelings are hurt. I am so funny and you know it" Cas declared.

"Okay fine fine, you're about as funny as a newborn baby. Is that better?" Dean joked.

Cas breathed out a laugh and chuckled at Dean. He was so happy and in love with this man. Who knew what he did to deserve someone so amazing but he was forever grateful. 

He leaned in towards him and brushed his lips smoothly onto his. Dean pulled him in closer and went full on with it. His hands started to wander a little over the suit and he commented how sexy he was in between the kisses. Cas returned the compliment saying how fine and glamerous Dean looked, as if he was going to the Oscars or something. As Cas kissed his neck he heard Dean groan a little. This was the foreplay he knew Dean went mad for. He tried to push Dean towards the bed but Dean pushed him away gently . He kissed him again and then explained that they had a reservation. 

"At a proper restaurant diner place?" his face looked a little panicked.

"Yes, but hey hey Cas, don't worry you'll be okay man. I'm going to be right there beside you all the time. I promise, you'll be fine Cas, seriously."

"You know how much I hate going out Dean" he sighed with a dull shrug.

"Yeah, I do and I'm so sorry. It's a long story for another day. But we'll sit in the corner and you can face your back to everyone so they won't see you and you won't have to see them! Instead you'll have the most perfect view!!" 

"I wonder what view that'd be" Cas joked with a light, yet nervous giggle.

"Me of course!"

"Oh Dean Winchester what ever would I do without you" Cas laughed.

"That's a world I'd hate to see. Me without you, now come on darling, let's go.."

The time had just gone 8.30 and their reservation was for 10 to 9. 

Dean took Cas' arms and hooked them onto his firmly. They walked like that out of the door, Dean making sure his wallet and phone was in his pocket.

They were both so ready for this night, wishing to God it would actually go well for once, unlike their last one, where Cas almost died and Sam was very badly injured. Nope, this one would be different. It had to be, right?

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