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All the meaning of life, my ties to the world everything got cut off and a steel bar joined me to her. She was the one holding me on this world. Without her life had no meaning. I met her, my soul mate.


"What?"  I roared and Bella flinched slightly before standing up and propping herself on my lap. "Babe calm down" she cooed as she ran her fingers through my hair. Jasper sat by my side and buried his face in her neck. I felt myself calm down as she ran her fingers through my hair and massaged my scalp. I sighed as did Jasper and sat back. I turned Bella so she was facing my family and put her legs on Jasper's lap. He rubbed her legs nodding her to continue.

"whenever a vampire is around certain privileged members phase. It started after you guys had moved back. Sam Uley was the first to phase then Jared and Paul and then Embry. I came to know about the pack after they saved me from Laurent. Initially after you left, I started hanging out with Jacob Black. After a while he stopped receiving my calls. The pain came back when I thought he had abandoned me too, " I flinched at that as did Jasper, "and went to the meadow. I learnt later that Jake had phased. I told them about Victoria who had by then had some face offs with the wolves. We thought of a plan and stored my scent on some clothes along with some blood and left it in the meadow. She thought I was there and tried attacking where the pack surrounded her and finished her off. This was, however, after Four more members phased. Quil, Brady, Seth and Leah"

"a female shifter?" Carlisle asked thinking over how there had never been a female shifter before. Bella nodded at his surprise. "Even the pack and the elders were surprised. I don't want you to worry though. especially the two of you," she said glancing at me and Jasper " I am a honorary pack member and under their protection. Also by the way Charlie knows about you guys" We looked at her shocked but she held her hand to allow her to finish. "He married Sue Clearwater who was a pack elder after her Husband Harry's death who had a heart attack because of Victoria. He was made aware of the Histories and legends and also imprinting and mating." "what's imprinting?" Liam interrupted.

"Imprinting is when a wolf looks into the eyes of some person and All the meaning of life, their ties to the world everything gets cut off and a steel bar joined them to that person. They are the ones holding them to this earth. They will be anything. be anything for them. friend, brother, sister, lover, protector. anything. It is similar to soul mate. Its beautiful. " She says smiling up at us.I smile back and kiss her softly. We spend the rest of the night talking about various things and then lead Bella to my room where she goes off to sleep after making love to me and Jasper.

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