z e r o

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z e r o

If there's any thing perfect in this world, it's her.

I look down at her. I brush her beautiful red hair away from her eyes. I grab her face in my hands, my thumbs smooth out her eyebrows, before trailing down to her temples, my fingers gingerly brushing over her rosy cheeks, before my thumb finally brushes against her perfect pink lips. My shoulders slump, because this is all my fault, and the pang is pronounced.

"Mason! You should be in your room, who let you out?" Angus bursts into the room, I  guess he put two and two together, and figured I was here. I take a longing look at Athena, before turning to him. Angus takes in my crouched position, then Athena who lay before me, before sighing. "You know her?"

I nod silently.

"Tell me about you guys," he sounds genuinely interested; so I divulge, reminisce, bask, in the story of Athena and me.

In The End (On Hold)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя