f o u r

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posted: July 25, 2015
banner to the side made by doodle_draw
      •sorry if you guys got arrows and highlights in the last chapter, my laptop is being an absolute ass, and when I try to edit from my phone Wattpad shuts down


f o u r

December 19, 2014

    I was starving, I hadn't gone to sleep once. I had eaten, but an hour later I threw it back up, and after learning that will be happening for a while, I decided to stop eating all together. If I went to sleep and had the nightmare here, I'd just cause a huge disruption. Maybe Doctor Angus would have understood, but that was all—except my parents. Hence my alternative: no sleep. During my coma I'd not dreamed a thing.

    Things were so boring there. White walls, white doors, white sheets. I've never particularly hated the color white until then.

    The door squeaked, taking my attention from the plainness of white, and in comes Angus. He smiled at me and leaned against the wall. "You'll be glad to hear you're being taken off bed-rest." He smiled wider at the relief on my face.

    I sat up. "Does that mean I can get my own food?" Not that I liked the food there - it was disgusting - I just didn't like that I couldn't do it myself.

    The doctor laughed. "Of course it does! Just be careful, if you start to feel dizzy, go to the nearest staff member, okay? And you better hurry to the cafeteria if you want to eat breakfast."

    I flung the sheets off of me and jumped out of the bed, stretching because I wasn't allowed up to use the restrooms. They made me make use of bedpans. Ew. I grimaced at the memory. "See you later, Angus!" I shouted before the door could close.

    Behind me, the was the sound of a door opening and I heard his voice shout after me. "Take it easy!" he warned.

    I was so excited I pressed the button repeatedly at the bottom with an arrow pointing downward. It felt like forever before I heard the ding! and the doors opened. The elevator was empty so I let myself beam at the fact that I was not on that stupid, uncomfortable bed with that stupid not-working TV and that stupid bed pan. That I was not in that stupid room! I pressed the button that represented the first floor, because that's where the cafeteria was located at. On the third floor, the metal box I was in dinged and slid the doors open to reveal a really skinny, pretty girl with captivating red hair. She wore a white sweater.

     So maybe white wasn't so bad.

    She looked up at me, then looked back down.

    I smiled despite not having the gesture returned. I cleared my throat. "Wh—what floor?"

    She looked back up at me again. "You wouldn't happen to know where the cafeteria is, would you?"

    I pointed at the glowing number one. "First floor, I'm just going there."

    She laughed at herself, but she didn't seem embarrassed. "Of course it is."

    I couldn't help but notice how she stood in the middle of the elevator, while I stood in the corner and hugged myself and pushed up against the corner of the descending elevator.

    The ding came, cutting me from my thoughts. We both headed for the exit at the same time and almost bumped into each other on our way out. I stepped back and swept my hand in front of me. "After you."

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