16. First Night

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Once we had settled into our hotel room, I had gotten away with not talking to Phil for the entirety of the plane ride, but I couldn't stay silent for the whole trip.

"Are you tired bear?"

"A little.." I kept my voice low as I didn't want to talk to him still.

"Let's go to bed yeah? We have a big one we can share."

"Okay." I walked over to the bed and waited for him to lay down under the covers before I pulled them off of the bed and put them over me and layed on the floor.

Phil giggled quietly and sat up on his elbows. "What are you doing bear?"
I turned away from him and curled up. "I-I don't want to talk to you."

"Oh, well we can watch The Aristocats and cuddle. You love doing that."

"I don't want to. I'm upset."

"Is this about that guard at the airport? He was just a dick Dan, don't worry about him."

"It's not that."

"What is it? Are you mad at me?"

I layed there, on the floor, staying silent.

"You /are/ mad at me. What did I do?"

"... You forgot."

"Forgot what, Danny?"

"That I have good hearing."

"What do you mean?" His voice started to get softer as he spoke each word.

"I heard you talking with PJ and Chris on the plane. You can't handle keeping me safe."

"Bear, I didn't mean it like that. I just get really stressed when I argue an-"
"Phil, stop.. I know what you meant."

"Did I mean then?"
"That I am a hassle. I'm too hard to handle and difficult to deal with. I understand why you said all those things."

"Danny, that's not what I meant."

"It is. My own parents call me difficult to deal with."

"Bear, we've talked about your parents before they're wrong."
"Or maybe you are, and they're right, that I am difficult and a problem."

"I-I get it. It's too stressful to keep me safe and to love me they can't do either anymore."

"Bear stop that, I love you!"

"You have a strange way of showing it, I-I completely understand if you can't be with me. I am difficult and a problem just go to sleep."

"No. I'm not tired and I'm not sleeping until we fix this."

"Just break up with me! Going to happen sometime so why not now?!"
"Bear, I don't want to break up."

"Yes, you do." I curled up further into the covers and sniffled finally letting tears fall that I've been holding in all day.

"I don't, but if you think we should, then okay.."

"Why should we stay together if you don't love me back?"
"I do love you!"

"I I-....Goodnight Phil, I'll sleep in the bathroom." I set up and made my way to the bathroom with the covers on my phone dialing my mom's number.

"M-Mummy?" I sniffled a little as she picked up.

"Danny, Sweetheart what's wrong?"

"Well, Th-This morning this man, wouldn't let me on the plane and he called me a pet and a /thing/ but Phil and her friends helped me but I heard Phil told her friends that I-I was too stressful and I-I think we b-broke up, Mummy." I sniffled more and choked out sobs when I was done.

"Oh no, baby do you need to come back home?"
"I-I want to come home Mummy."

"Well sweetheart, you can still have fun with Chris and PJ & Louise. maybe ask if you can be in a room with Louise."

"O-Okay..Mummy, I feel really sad."

"I know sweetie and I wish I was there so I could hug you tight and never let anyone hurt you again. Try to get some rest baby, I'll check up on you tomorrow."

"Okay, Goodnight Mummy."

"Good night Darling." And then she hung up, leaving me alone in the quiet, of the empty bathroom A bit later as I was almost asleep, a piece of paper hit my nose after being slid under the door.

'Reasons why I love Daniel James Howell.'
1.You're funny
2.You're cute
3.Your smile lights up the entire room
4.You're the kindest person I've ever met
5.You would never hurt anyone intentionally.
6.You're very careful with what words to use so you don't accidentally offend someone.
7.You're very intelligent
8.You're super polite
9.Great cuddler
Most importantly
10.You love me.
Danny, those are only a few of 100 plus reasons why I love you I don't know why I said that about you. I feel terrible for making you cry. You are such a good person. You've never talked about me like that, saying those things where anyone could hear. I'm so sorry. Please bear, I need you just like you need me. Please open the door and at least let me hold you until you're done. I just want to hold you close and tell you everything's going to be fine, I promise . So please open the door, we need to sleep and you should sleep on the cold dirty bathroom floor. Please baby come cuddle.

Love, Phil.

I slid the paper back under the door and stood up, opening the door slowly, looking at my feet.

"I'm sorry for saying that and for scaring you, accidentally. I was just stressed because I didn't think anything like this would happen and I was mad because he kept calling you a pet and I'm so sorry for saying that."

"I-It's okay.."I sniffled again and wiped my face "You didn't mean to make me sad.."

"Is that why you didn't talk to me for half the day?"

I nodded slowly looking up at his face. You step closer and wraps his arms around me tightly, as I did the same to him.

"Let's go try and sleep, yeah?"
"Yeah, I'll need to call my mum tomorrow and clear everything up with her."

"Yeah I heard you talking to her from the bathroom."

"I just needed to talk to someone."

"I know. Let's just go to bed now. Everything's going to be all better tomorrow."

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