The date

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Anton's POV

I am very happy how things are flowing smoothly between me and Eli. I decided not to rush her into things as Dan advised. I must gain her trust. I need to capture her heart.

Now I learned that even how many times you say I love you to a person it's not that easy to let them believe you. Actions will show how true what you are feeling inside. For Eli, I believe that she still loves me but I feel she has fear of trusting her heart to me........and that what I should gain.........even the hard way. No pain no gain. I am almost there but one wrong move I know I can destroy everything.

So after that blissful night, I will do same routine I used to do for Eli. I will not push far like offering marriage to her again. She might think that I am just saying that I love her because of the baby.
Actually, I love her more when she carried my child. The more I saw her in a different way. It's true, she's a strong determined woman.

I am just very happy that even slowly I am gaining forward. After last night, Eli is starting to open up for me. It is a chance I will not loose. I try my best to take care of her more in spite of my hectic schedule which I know she understands. Lately she doesn't object if I hold her hands when I drive or when we walk in the park. Last night I was able to sleep beside her and hug her.

I came to the construction site for surprise inspection and I was met by a commotion inside. Almost everybody's attention were on the scene that's why they did not notice my presence. As I come near, I saw Eng. Ostwald and John on each other's neck.

"Why are you such a pain in the ass. I told you already that I can't understand you asshole!" Eng. Ostwald hissed.

"You are such an idiot. How come you became an engineer if you can't even comprehend a simple drawing." John retorted sarcastically.

"What the hell is going on?" I shouted. Everyone turn their head on me. Both men remove their hands on each others collar and looked at me still glaring with each other.

"What's the matter?" I ask again.

"Your stupid engineer can't understand a simple drawing. I don't know where did he finished his degree." John glare at Eng. Ostwald but avoided my eyes.

"Do you really have to fight like you want to kill each other over a simple floor plan?" I ask. And before I can say another word, all eyes are on my back of someone coming.

What the hell is she doing here. She moves slowly as her almost six months tummy is slowing her down. I get it. My stupid pervert engineer demanded for her again that's why John is pissed off. My blood suddenly rise in full anger and before knowing it I blow a fist on Eng. Ostwald face that made him fall on the floor. Everybody was shock and puzzled of my action. Eli gasp with surprise.

"Engineer Ostwald," I shouted as he stand up holding his bleeding nose, "You are fired!"

Nobody speaks and he was shock of my statement.

"For what?" He is now confuse.

"For putting my fiancee and my baby in danger." Everyone was shock with my declaration. I saw the smirk on John's face.

I turn around and went towards Eli. I hold her waist and guide her out of the construction site.

Eli's POV

Damn Eng. Ostwald! He is playing tricks again. He is demanding for my presence for a very simple area of the floor plan. I know John can attend to it well and still he insist me to be there. I saw Anton's back as I approach the site. All eyes are now on me as tummy is more pronounce than ever.

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