Chances are

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Anton's POV

After three more months the project is almost finish. I can't deny that it is one of the magnificent structure built in this city. Eli really has the talent.

I am now in front of Mrs. Finnon inspecting the building and I can sense her happiness of the outcome. "Eli is really a gem don't you think Anton?" I nod in agreement."Since she started with us, I saw her potential already. Hardworking and dedicated."

That she is. I sigh at the thought of her. Somehow I manage not to see her much during this project. I don't want to be destructed by her presence.

Mrs. Finnon phone rung and she excused for a while. I continue walking towards my engineers who are now talking to John. Yeah, he was the guy with Eli in the restaurant, I remember. Seems he is having a heated argument with Eng. Ostwald and Dan is trying to pacify them. It's about the project again? I already warned Eng. Ostwald about this. The project is almost finish and still we are having problems like this. I am approaching them behind their back and they did not notice me.

"I told you before to stay away from her." John is red and furious talking to Eng. Ostwald. It's about Eli again?! I really have to fire this bastard now.

"It's not because you were able to date her gives you any edge." Eng. Ostwald retorted.

"Eli is not like any other girl. I warn you! If you are just playing games with her better back off." John hissed. That confirms my suspicion that it is about Eli.

Wait! What? John dated Eli? So when we saw them in the restaurant that was a date not a meeting? Shit! I am missing something here. She can't date if she is married. Is she married or what? I better go back to Mrs. Finnon.

I hurriedly went to the side of Mrs. Finnon who is now saying goodbye on the phone.

"Eli is now in a lunch meeting with Mr. Brazos. Seems everything is flowing smoothly with our second project with them. I know Eli is good already but it adds that Mr. Brazos is quite fun of her." She smiled while shaking her head.

That filthy old man. And why does she have to meet him not you. I almost speak my mind to Mrs. Finnon.

I must ask her now about Eli. "Ummm, Mrs. Finnon, why would Mr. Brazos get interested with her, she is married, right? Her husband is not objecting in this idea? If I am her husband, I will tie her with me."

"Oh, no,no,no! Elizabeth is not married at all." She shook her head repeatedly. What the hell is going on.

"But you mentioned to Mr. Brazos that she is......"

"Yeah I did," she continued as she predicted where I took the idea. "I did that to protect Eli. I know the old man has hots on her. As much as I want to seal deals, I don't want to jeopardize my staff. Eli as I told you is concentrated in her work. At the same time a loner. Many would like to court her but she's aloof. She always rejects suitors. I really don't know why." She shrugs casually.


I tried to avoid her all this months because of a wrong information! How stupid of me not to ask her. What will I do now? I have to talk to her.

She never accepted suitors! That means she never had any relationship except me. But she just had a date with John as I heard. Maybe she had grown feelings for him already. I feel my jealousy is starting to build.

"Pardon me. What was that?" I did not almost understand what Mrs. Finnon is telling me. My mind totally  drifted with the newfound information about Eli.

"I was speaking of the proposed extension of the building you are planning in the near future Anton. I heard you already acquired the opposite property." I nod at her.

"You might like to show the site with me. Maybe you will still like to acquire our services in the near future." Typical businesswoman. I smiled at her.

"I can call Eli to come. Her lunch meeting is almost finish. She just texted that we got the project from Mr. Brazos."

Really! Now she is pulling Eli here this minute. Give her a break.

"I can let her make a proposal design for the extension........for you to think about in the future. Don't worry, I am not pushing you to choose us but giving you a good proposal as early as now can give us an edge." She winks.

"Ok that is a great idea." I nod at her. It gives me an opportunity to see Eli. This time I will not let her go.

She dialed Eli's number and instructed her to come immediately. "Good she finished already. She's on her way."

We walk towards my engineer and John who are now quiet but you can see how their eyes are throwing daggers to each other. Well, I will see to it that none of you will win over her. Not when I am alive. She was mine first and I am

Suddenly we all look at the direction of the sound of clicking shoes. It belonged to the gorgeous woman I longed to see. All became quiet as she comes to our direction. I can't deny that we are all stunned with her breathtaking beauty. She is wearing a formal business suite quite different from her usual casual business attire, her casual jeans attire. She wears a gray knee length A-line skirt that gently hugs her hips and full buttocks. Her pastel pink chiffon blouse matches her pink cheeks and lips. She wears down her long layered brown hair gently cupping her face and shoulders and her bangs gently touching her forehead. She just wore a light make-up showing she doesn't need a lot of effort to paint her face just to look beautiful.

She greeted Mrs. Finnon by kissing her cheeks then she turned to us. "Good afternoon."

She blushed a little knowing all our eyes are admiring her beauty.

"Hi Eli," I kissed her cheeks then I briefly hugged her tight. Ooops, I got carried away.

All eyes are on us and I can feel the hate from the eyes of John. She shyly smiled at me and subtly step back away from me.

"Well, Eli, Mr. Montecarlos would like you to see the opposite property of this building which he plans for future expansion," Mrs. Finnon now eagerly ushered her to the elevator and we followed. I love to see the sway of her hips and the way her hair moves when she walks. She is definitely a head turner.

As we went out of the building she directly went to the back of her car and came back wearing her ankle boots and she tied her hair in a pony tail. I smiled as I see her "work mode" get up though I sense that she is a little uneasy with her skirt. Lovely legs. I look at the men beside me and they too can't hide their admiration on her. I gave them a warning look.

We went to the enclosed property using the small door for the guard. The land is rocky and muddy at the same time. Mrs. Finnon stopped on a cleaner are. She decline to continue because she is wearing a three inch stiletto. But my Eli on her "work mode" continued surveying the area.

I stayed beside her and held her elbows and from time to time I hold her back and waist to keep her safe. My engineers are giving us malicious looks while John can almost kill with his. I just laugh in my mind. Well, nobody but me can be with her.

"So, what do you have in mind Anton?" she now face me to evade my  touch.

"You!............I mean what do you suggest."

"Well, it depends on your purpose." She looks at me sternly.

"Oh my purpose is very very  interesting. " It's all about you.
This is my chance. "Maybe we can talk about it over dinner."
I ushered her to the exit while holding her elbow. "I can ride in your car. I just let Dan bring my car to the office."

"You really mean we will talk about it now?" She was shock of my decision.

"Yeah. Mrs. Finnon offered me a proposal from you as early as now for free just to have an edge from other company."
She sighs and shook her head whispering unbelievable to herself.

No escaping now Eli. This is my chance. I will not allow you to miss a date with me this time.

"Mrs. Finnon," I turned my head to the old lady who is talking to my engineers while we walk, "I will talk to Eli about my plans over dinner. I'll make sure that I will discuss what I like and we can talk about the proposal."  Eli looked at me with surprised eyes comprehending what I just said.

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