Now or never

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Anton's POV

I am pacing around my office while Dan sat on the chair in front of my desk. This man has become my bestfriend in the past months. We never shared anything personal before except our business venture. He is a very good assistant and he didn't mind whatever silliness I do in my life before but lately he got more involved. And now he is here listening to my torment.

"She really plan to raise the child on her own?" Dan is confirming what he just heard,"I told you, she's a strong woman."

"She could have told me....."

"When? When you told her first that you can't make her happy and you can't give her the family she dreamt of?"

"She decided to raise the child alone. Are you even listening to me, Dan?"

"Yes. I told you before, she is a strong woman, Anita."

"And why my sister is involved in this conversation?"

"You know the answer to that Anton. You witness from the start her struggle to raise Marco alone." Dan pointed out.

I can't deny my sister's struggle with heartache and rejection and still was brave enough to face all the intrigues. She became more determined and confident when Marco was born. Mother's instinct as they say.

Now I remember my mother. She has been caring and loving to me and Anita. I miss her. Maybe if she's still alive, she could have help me in this ordeal. She died early because of an accident. My father became engross with the business that he almost did not have time for us. But I saw how supportive he was when Anita became pregnant and was abandoned by Marco's father. Too bad he died three years after the birth of Marco. I know he will be mad at me if he saw what I have done in my life. I will make them proud by doing what is right.

"And that bastard John is happy to take my role on my child. I want to kill him." I know my jealousy is making me unreasonable.

"Then he probably loves Eli that much, Anton."

"Shit!" I hit the wall three times with my fist. I am angry with Eli's stubbornness. I am angry with John. I can't accept that he can love Eli more than I do.

I am angrier with myself!

I sat on my chair. My knuckles are painful but nothing is more painful than what I am feeling inside.

"Calm down, Anton," Dan stand up and pat my shoulder, "you can't give up now. You just started. Give Eli time to think and accept you. You hurt her that much. She loved you and I know you still have that spot in her heart. You just have to gain her trust."

"Confronting John will do you no good. He is just trying to help Eli. You can't blame Eli because it was him who was there willing to accept the responsibility that you can't do before. Remember you're the one who gave her the impression that you are not a family man."

"Hey, I thought you are my friend. Whom are you siding now?"

"Of course you. I am just stating facts. You must gain her trust, Anton."

"I hope she see the point that I did not reject my child. I did not even demand for any paternity testing."

"She's intelligent, Anton, I think she did not miss that point. You my friend," he points to my chest," is the one missing to capture the heart," and he chuckled.

"Really, Dan," I look at him with slight irritation. He is adding more agony to my torment, "since when have you been expert in this things."

I never know much about Dan's personal life. I only knew that he was broken hearted before when her girlfriend cheated on him. And I feel guilty that all I can do before was accompany him in the bar and get drunk. I tried to pair him with different women that night. He all rejected them. After that I never heard him having any serious relationship.

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