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Anton's POV

I slowly walk to look at the different house and building plans displayed in the hallway going to large reception area. True to her words, Finnon company really have great works. They have also pictures of actual and finished projects. Dan really made a good research  on which company we will linked with our new building.

I sip the champagne  while I enter the large reception of the party held at the magnificent garden of Mrs. Finnon's mansion. I smiled and nod to some familiar faces known in our business world.

Mrs. Finnon is now approaching me. She is dressed in a cream cocktail dress showing her class and elegance. "Mr. Montecarlos, I am very glad you made it. You are alone?"

"How are you Alice? Sorry my assistant is busy and so with my fiancée."

"No problem. Come I will introduce you to some friends."

She led me to a group of men and women on one side of the floor.

"Mr. Brazos," she approached a bald old man elegantly looking with his expensive tuxedo, "meet Mr. Anton Montecarlos, owner and CEO of Montecarlos company from Brixton City. Mr. Tony Brazos here is the owner of a large real estate here in Aylow City." She also introduced me to some of the men and women in the group but Mr. Brazos is more interested in monopolizing me for some pep talk.

My eyes roam at the people around. I see familiar famous figures in business world and some  people in groups that are entertaining the guests. I presume they are the staffs of Finnon company. They are explaining the different pictures of structures designed by the company. Then my eyes locked in a familiar figure in the middle of the room.

I can't be mistaken. I know that curvy back, that familiar graceful sway.  My heart suddenly leap with anticipation as the beautiful lady in her blue off shoulder gown turn. My heart is beating faster then my breathing suddenly stopped.


My Eli!

She is really here! I can't believe it.

She became more beautiful. Her blue gown suits her curvy figure. She has more grace and confidence. Her profession made her a lady with poise and elegance.

"Beautiful young lady isn't she?" Mr. Brazos caught my attention as he traced my line of sight locked with Eli.

"She's Elizabeth Ferros," I looked at Mr. Brazos,  "One of the best architect of Finnon company. She already made a couple of projects with me and I like her works that is why I plan to make a new contract with them."

"Really?" I tried to be amused of what he is telling.

Now I remember why Finnon company is familiar to me. It is Eli's company. She did not resign then. She just transferred here in Aylow City.


I remember when she was too interested about our branch here in Aylow City. She keeps on asking questions on how often I come to visit here. Maybe she is trying to be near me that time.


The more I feel guilty of what happened two years ago. Yes, I let her slipped away because of my arrogance and pride.

"Well, too bad she's married."

What? married? .......

Am I hearing it right?

Everything in my system is betraying me now. As if everything is falling apart.

" I was thinking before to divorce my wife for her." He tried to joke. He laughed but stopped when I did not respond.  I am about to punch his face the way he is  thinking about Eli.

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