Uninvited guest

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Anton's POV

I am sitting on my chair with all papers needed to be signed but my mind is somewhere else........with someone else. It's been three weeks now that instead of staying in my penthouse near the office, I opt to drive thirty minutes everyday from the mansion going to work. Even Anita is suspicious now why I prefer going home. She suspect that I am running away from my flings again. She has always been against with my womanizing as she explained that it is unfair to the girls. Yes, it is true. It is unfair but only to type of women like her. My sister was madly in love with Marco's father before. She is not the sort of woman doing sex for fun as I explained to her. Those I have dated are just for fun and for money and we have mutual understanding about that. Most are just my one night stands. When a girl starts to be clingy, I start to break the relationship. Anita is totally against it. She even told me that once I met my match, she'll sit back and never help me at all. Silly, Anita. I know she loves me very much. We are the only family left together since our parents died. And we have Marco to protect and take care of. I suggested her to work most of her time at home to have better quality time with Marco. She only comes here if needed. We own this business so there's no worry about that.

Since Eli came to the mansion, I always prefer to go home everyday. I always anticipate seeing her even for a short period of time. I always say good night or good morning to Marco just to have a glimpse of her. I feel stupid but I can't help it. If only I can bring Marco to school just to be with her but it will take time if I have to bring her back home. And it will be too obvious. I don't want her to feel uncomfortable again specially after we had a good time together last Sunday. Suddenly I found myself silently laughing when I remembered that she came out with her loose uniform. True to her work, she thought that we still require her to use her uniform when she will come with us. I suppress my laugh but still she got annoyed and almost walk out. We require uniforms inside the mansion but when our house helpers come with us strolling, malling or going out of the country, we find it awkward someone walking around us with uniforms. Even we have luxury in life, we were raised us simple people.

But it was my turn to be stunned when Eli changed to her usual clothes. She wears skinny jeans that perfectly fit her wide hips and shapely butt. Her V-neck knitted sweater slightly reveal her soft skin form her neck down to her cleavage. She just tie her hair in a messy bun, no make ups, only gloss in her lips. She just used slip ons and a small back pack. She's so simple but beautiful. I can't imagine that I notice all this details on her. The more I imagine her the first time I saw her with only towel covering her body. I brush off that thought as I don't want to look at her with desire. I know she'll avoid me again. I really don't know what's happening to me now as I want to be in her good side, for her approval, to be the man she want to be. Oops, where did that thought came from. If someone will know what I am thinking right now, they might think I am not Anton anymore.

I enjoyed strolling with her in the park. I see she really cares for Marco. It is not just work for her. Anita seemed to be fond of her too. I know my sister don't have much true friends whom she can confide her problems. I see that she was able to connect with Eli easily......so with Marco.........so with me.
She's different from all the girls I dated. She's not finicky. She don't pretend. She's natural.

My thoughts are cut by a call from my phone. It's Diana. Long time I ceased my relationship with her but she's pushy.
"Hi, Anton, honey. Where have you been?" She speaks seductively but instead of feeling excited, I got irritated with her."I came to your penthouse many times but you are not there and I tried visiting you in your work but your damn secretary won't allow me to come in without appointment."
"Sorry, Diana. I had been busy with work."
"Are you free tonight? I can go directly to your penthouse?" I paused and think for a while. Maybe if I go back to my former activities I can remove Eli in my mind.
"Ok, I'll pick you up at seven. Bye." I did not wait for her to answer and cut the line immediately.

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