The encounter

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Eli's POV

I had been here for almost a week now. Anita asked me to stay this weekend as she is bound to travel. Of course I happily accepted as I will be given extra pay. The job is not demanding as I thought it would be as I'm able to connect with Marco easily. Probably because we have the same wavelength as the child in me was easily unleash being with him. We play Wii and playstation together and laugh together watching his favorite cartoons. The fact that I miss those things in my childhood days made me eager to play and watch with him.

I tuck Marco on his bed as it is past his bed time. The job is quite easy. It's true what Anne said. He is a a prince, a darling prince. Easy to take care and a lovable child indeed. I agree that this is the best job you can get compared to the double job I had. I just have to take care of this young lad. No laundry, no cooking, not even cleaning. All has a particular maid for each task. I just need to see that all his needs are well taken care of. I keep Anita updated. I really appreciate her love and affection to her son.

"Eli, please read me a story or if you have a new story, I'll love to hear it," Marco is asking me with those adorable eyes. How could you say no to this lad. "I promise I will sleep after one story."
"Ok then little prince, 'cause you are such a good boy,every night I will read for you stories," I smiled at him while touching his nose. "And on weekends, we will watch together a movie that you like."
"Yes! I will be a good boy.  I promise," he nods joyfully. His eyes twinkling with excitement. "Then Anton can join us to watch Iron Man on Friday."
"Anton?" Ah yes his uncle. I never met him since I started working here.
"Yeah, my uncle," his eyes are beaming as he mention his name. Probably he has been his father figure in the house, "he usually stays in his suite near his work but usually comes here specially on weekends. He loves watching movies with me too."
"Ok then young prince," I pinch his nose,"just be good and we will watch together."

I finish reading the book he chose. Even at his age of seven, he still loves listening to stories rather than reading them. He is fast asleep now. I put on the night lamp and put off the main light.
As I am about to go to the adjoining room, the door open and a man came in with a big stuff toy..... a his hand. He is in a business suit. Who is he? Maybe the father of Marco. I was never instructed of his presence as Anne mentioned, Ms. Anita Montecarlos is a single parent. Or maybe  he is Mr. Anton Montecarlos.
"Ooops, sorry. I'm too late. He's asleep already?" The man whispers and I nod. Even the room is only illuminated by night lamp, I can't deny that he is good looking. He is tall, well built. His dark hair is quite disheveled.  His scent is so refreshing.
"Hey, you're new? Where's Anne?"
"Just a temporary replacement , Sir. She'll be back in a month or two."
"Ok, I'll just put this here for Marco to see when he wakes up. Thanks."
"Ok, Sir."
Then he left. Thanks I can now shower and study.

Anton'S POV

It was a tiring trip and all I want is to stretch my back on the bed. I put my keys and wallet on the side table when I realized that my credit card is missing. I used it when I bought Marco's stuff toy and I just put it inside the pocket of my coat. Maybe I drop it in Marco's room. I hurriedly went to my nephew's room. I can't find his new nanny. Maybe she's already in the adjoining room.

I knock at the door of the adjoining room. Nobody is answering. Maybe she's asleep already. But I just talk to her about ten minutes ago. It's impossible she's in that deep sleep already. Maybe she went down in the kitchen. Wait the knob is not locked. I slowly open the door. The room is dark and illuminated only by the study lamp on the table. I got curious of set of books on the table and I slowly peek. Suddenly the bathroom door open. Ah yes, silly, where else could she be. I can't move from my place, she might scream and it will cause chaos in the mansion. It's my fault I came inside uninvited. No,it's her fault. Why in the first place she did not lock her door. Shit! What should I do now?
She did not yet notice me standing here. She just showered and her body only wrap with towel. The silhouette of her body can't deny a sexy woman in front of me. She slowly turn her head and she notice me. Before she can react I run fast on her side and clamp her mouth with my hand while I pin her body against the wall to prevent her from screaming. Damn! I look like a rapist here. She struggle and kicking me hard. Her hands are pushing  and scratching me.

"Hey, it's me, Anton," shit  she doesn't even know me. I did not tell my name a while ago, "I'm Marco's uncle. I mean no harm. Stop struggling and I will let go."
I look in her eyes. Though it's not that clear, I see fear. Then she look at me intently trying to recognize who I am.
"I'm sorry, please, I will let go now just promise you will not scream."
She stop struggling and nod. I slowly remove my hands  and let her go. She's panting.
"I'm really sorry, I am just looking for something I drop a while I go. I thought of asking you and the door is not close.....I mean not locked...." I'm still slightly pinning her body on the wall enjoying the smell of her soap, the softness of her breast and skin against the towel covering her.
"You could have knock! I am not locking it for Marco if he needs me," she hissed. "Sir, can you please just step out the room while I change to descent clothes. I'll see you in a minute to attend to whatever you need."
Suddenly my senses came back, "Sorry."
I hurriedly went out and close the adjoining door. I slowly sat on the chair besides Marco's bed and waited. I can feel the heat on my cheeks and I hear the loud beats of my heart. Good thing Marco is soundly sleeping and he did not witness what had just happened.
The door slowly opened and I saw her dressed with the nanny's uniform. Her hair still wet and tied in a pony tail messily.
"I'm really sorry," I whisper.
"How may I help you." She avoided my eyes.
"No, problem. It can be delayed until tomorrow. I just waited for you to apologize. I don't want to disturb Marco. Just kindly check if I drop my card somewhere." She nods and I hurriedly went out of the room.

I went straight to have a cold shower. What the hell is happening to me. I am like a pervert that I easily get aroused by a random sight of half-nakedness from an ordinary girl I barely know. I am not usually like this. I admit that I like women a lot but it never happened to me this quick. I vaguely saw her. I just met her today and she was still covered with towel. I have seen a lot of women in parties who are wearing almost nothing, women in their sexy bikinis in beaches. Hell! Maybe I was so busy the past months and I did not have any time to party. Time to have a break.

I wake up with a knock on my door. My head us aching as I did not have a good sleep because of what happened last night. I open the door and a bundle of joy hugged me tight.
"Thank you very much, Anton," Marco is smiling with his eyes twinkling with joy. "I love the giraffe. It's huge and soft."
"You're welcome, Marco," I kissed his cheek. " Ready for school?" Marco is already in his school uniform.
"Anton you will watch Iron man with me on Friday, ok? We will watch with Eli."
"Eli?" The name of the new girl with random half nakedness. I unconsciously chuckle.
"You met her last night. She will take care of me until Anne comes back." He kissed me and wave goodbye. " Bye, don't forget Friday, ok?"
"Ok." Eli.......nice name. I smiled unconsciously.

As I'm about to close my door, I saw her walking towards me. I noticed that she's dressed with uniform larger than her size. Probably borrowed from Anne. She looked away as she see me half naked wearing only my boxers. I grin with satisfaction.
"Good morning Mr. Montecarlos. I found this card beside the stuff toy you gave Marco." Eli greeted me and is handing my card. I intentionally touch her hand and let it linger for a while. I see her blush.
"Thank you Eli." I'm still grinning and enjoying her anxiety.
"I'm sorry , Sir," she snatch her hand from my hold and look at me briefly, "I have to go now......... I have to bring Marco to school."
"Hey, don't be sorry. Now we're even." And I smirk. Realizing what I am implying was what happened last night when I saw her with just towel wrapped around her, she look at me with disgust and hurriedly left.

Sorry for any mistakes. Constructive criticisms are very much welcome. Thank you for reading.

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