Gone too soon

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Anton's POV

Away from home for two weeks is exhausting. The project is a huge one and I need to be present in all the phases of planning. So far the business trip was successful. I am glad Dan, my assistant, accepted the offer to manage our branch in Aylow city. He has been working with us for five years now and his honesty and dedication to the work is indispensable.

I decided to go straight to the mansion. I want to see my family. I want to see Eli. I decided that even she is still working with us, I can date her. I know Anita will not object. I want to give us a chance. Maybe Eli is the answer to my change in handling a relationship. She affects me too much that I tend to have second thoughts on how I deal with women. For two weeks in Aylow City with beautiful women around me, I am also surprise that I did not entertain anyone. I flirted, I admit but not to the point of bringing them home to have casual sex. I'm a change man. I laugh and shook my head absentmindedly.

I open the door and Marco came running to welcome me.

"Anton," he jumps on me and I carry him swirling him around. He's getting heavy now.

"How's my favorite baby?" He giggles as I kiss him.

"Stop kissing me, Anton. I am a big boy now." I laugh. Only two weeks that I left he doesn't want to be kissed anymore.

"Says who?"

"Says me!" He laughed.

"Where's your mommy?"

"Still in the office. She almost go there everyday to do your work."

"Welcome back Anton." Someone softly spoke at my back and I'm hoping it's Eli but to my dismay I saw Anne smiling at me. I regain my composure immediately and I smiled at her.

"Welcome back Anne." I gave her a brotherly hug. I am happy to see her of course. I am just disappointed not to see Eli.

"So how's Eli," I asked casually.

"I think she's fine. Last time I saw her was last week."

"Please say my regards to her when you go home tomorrow." I try to play cool just to get any news about her.

"Sorry, I can't. She's not with me anymore."

"What?" I almost shouted and Anne's forehead knotted with curiosity.
"I mean......what happened?"

"Ah, if you're thinking we have a misunderstanding, no." Glad Anne misinterpreted my action. I don't want her to know anything. It can make things complicated with me and Eli.

"Eli, was kind enough to leave the apartment for me, my sister and my son. I brought already my son with me and my sister Jessie is the one taking care of him." She explained.

"How old is your son? Is he the reason you left for two months?" I asked Anne while slowly walking towards Marco's room. Marco is holding my hand listening curiously on our conversation. Like me, his ears are trained when it comes to Eli.

"He's eight."

Suddenly Marco pull my hand and Anne's pants. "What's his name? He is a boy like me! Can he come here ? Can he play with me? Watch movies? Please!" He cannot contain his excitement as he completely forgot about Eli and asks unerring questions.
I and Anne both laugh.

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