"Chapter Thirty-Seven"

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Genevieve's POV

In the rest house...........

Right now Bea, Cedric and I are talking inside my room. We have different rooms here but, Bea and I decided to sleep together in one room then, Cedric also wants to sleep with us so.....eh.

"So guys, what's up?" I asked.

"I feel like I wanna sing and shout the things I wanna tell you guys." Bea said.

"What if we talk about our love life?" Rick said while entering the room.

"What the heck? What are you doing here?" I asked him.

"Well, I'm here for Cedric, he's not supposed to be here. His suppose to be in my room. You know, his my butler." Cedric said.

"But I wanna sleep here." Cedric said.

"Why do you wanna sleep here anyways?" Bea asked.

"I want to have fun." Cedric said.

"You can have fun with master Rick." I said.

"Yeah..... We're gonna have lots of fun and games and talking about life........ blah" Rick said.

"I don't like it when you play with me." Cedric said.

"Your rude!" Rick said then go outside and shut the door so hard,...... It hurts my ear.

"Hey guys, what if we tell each other secrets?" I asked.

Yeah..... I know stealing the ring and being a princess is my secret, of course I'm not gonna tell them that. Thy already know I'm a princess but Bea is the only person who knows I came here for the ring......

"I like your idea." Cedric said.

"So who wants to tell their secrets first?" Bea asked.

"Can I go first?" Cedric asked.

"Yeah sure, what is it?" I asked.

"I know Genevieve already know this but Bea still don't know." Cedric said.

"Tell us the secret!" Bea shouted. "Sorry, I just can't carry my emotions, I'm so excited!"

Cedric kneel down and face me.....

We're sitting in the bed and now, Cedric is in the floor with his knees.

"Cedric, what are you doing?" I asked.

"I've been trying to tell you this for a long time. I l-" ~Cedric

"Stop right there!" Bea said. "I need to get a popcorn and the camera to shoot you two."

"No, don't go right now Bea, this is the nice part of my secret." Cedric said. "This is the first time in my life confessing to a beautiful and kind hearted girl."

Kind hearted? Ahahahahahahaha!!!!

"Dude seriously? Kind hearted, tsk!" I said.

~Silent mode

"Genevieve (he holds my left hand) can I have your heart and be your happily ever after?" He suddenly asked.

"Yiehhhh! I gotta go..... You two need both privacy." Bea sai then started running."

"Wait!-" I said.

"So Genevieve, will you be my girlfriend?" He asked.

"Hmmmmmm......... I don't kn-" I said.

"Tell me." He said then stand up.

His still holding my hands.....

Oh come on! This is a very hard time to answer, Marcus confessed to me first then here I am.... With Cedric in front of me, also confessing his love for me. What should I do? I know I love Marcus but that's just love as like kinda but I kinda feel something when I'm with Cedric but still....... I still feel like I'm into Tyron not them. I know Tyron never saved me before and Cedric and Marcus already saved me many times.... What should I say?.......

A/N: guys I might pose some chapters late because it's spring break and I need to do my home works.... Take care and have a fun weekend or something!

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