"Chapter Twenty-Nine"

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Picture: Im Yoona as Bea

Genevieve's POV

Times and days passed.... I did what I'm supposed to do, I returned the ring but I still haven't told Marcus that I'm just a spy princess... What am I supposed to do? Should I just leave this mansion and come back to Cattelion kingdom and see my mom, dad and brother again?

I gotta talk to Marcus an tell him all about me and why am I here. I said.

Are you dumb Genevieve?! Giving up all the things that you made when you came here? Bea said.

I-I al-already gave up I returned the ring back to his bedroom and I feel like I want to give up and, you know go home...... Back to where I came from the first time. I said while looking at my feet and not looking at them.

Genevieve! Don't give up. Cedric said. Look at my eyes raise your head up and look at us.

Tears started to come out of my eyes....

Don't cry Genevieve. Bea said then kneel down and look at my face.

I'm still facing the floor......

I felt someone breathing on my back so I turned and I saw Marcus crying, he hugged me tightly then he kissed me in the forehead.

More tears started to come out.

Marcus whipped my tears...

Why are you doing this master? I asked.

I-I s-saw you crying and I just thought that you need a shoulder to cry with right now so yeah..... Marcus said.

Cedric pushed Marcus away from me..

She doesn't need you Marcus! So get away from her and just let Bea hug her okay? Bea is her best friend and you are like her enemy. Cedric said.

So, I'm your enemy huh? Well sure I'm the antagonist now, okay good luck. Marcus said then walk away.

I slapped Cedric's Face...

Cedric looked at me while his holding his cheeks.

Let me get you an ice bag. Bea said then enter the kitchen.

Wh-what is wrong with all of you?! This is not supposed to happen to us right? We're all friends, not just friends, we're like family now and family members doesn't fight each other. I said.

Wow we're family and you said were not supposed to fight, then why did you slapped Cedric in the face? Marcus asked.

Yeah, my face hurts! Cedric said.

Here is your ice bag- wow! Your face is turning red. Bea said then gave Cedric the ice bag.

I'm so sorry I just can't control myself. Honestly, your the reason why I slapped you in the face, you sad that I think of master Marcus as an enemy. I said.

Okay let's just forget about the cry moment and have a vacation. Marcus said.

Wo! Vacation, where? Bea asked.

Well in my private beach. Marcus said.

Can I join? Cedric asked.

No. Marcus said.

Then what about me? I asked.

Of course you can join. Marcus said.

I gave him a smile and a thumbs up.

So your planning to go on a vacation and your not inviting me and Cedric? How rude and selfish of you to say! Rick said while in the second floor looking at us.

I forgot to tell you, were in the first floor standing close to the front door of the mansion...

Sure join but, if something bad happens to you, it's NOT my responsibility. Marcus said.

Yeah sure, like if something bad is going to happen. Rick said.

So pack your bags because we're going to the beach tomorrow. Marcus said.


A/n: I hoped you really liked this chapter. Sorry for the slow update, I'm busy at school, because you know I'm a twelve-year old and I'm very close to be a high school girl that's why I'm busy, so many works. ^_^

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