Chapter thirteen

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The next day........

"What a beautiful sunny day to have a refreshing break!" I said while sitting in the bench at the garden.

I forgot to tell you we also have day off only one day a week but that's fine. ( now I have time to steal what's mine) (the ring).

After I had a refreshing break I go straight inside the mansion then use the elevator to go to the third floor....

Mansions with three floors should totally have a elevator....

At the elevator......

"Why is it so slow?" I said while playing with my phone. Of course you already know what I'm playing. (Clash of clans)

The door of the elevator opened.

"Thank god! Ah, I feel relieved. I thought I'm gonna be stuck in the elevator." I said while walking through the hallway.

I'm going to Marcus bedroom....

While I'm walking, I don't see anything suspicious so I just walk normally like I always do then....

"Where are you going?" Rick asked.

This kid, I hate this kid so much, he annoys me very much. But still, he's so cute.

"I'm walking around."

"Really? You look suspicious."

This kid is a total genius. His more genius than his older brother, I'll say it one more time, "older".

"And you looked confused about it." I said then continued walking.

He hold my wrist....

"What?" I asked.

"Can you, love me?" He suddenly asked.

I stopped walking.

He looked so serious and I don't know what to say to that question 'can you love me' he's a kid and I'm a grown up not a kid...

"No I can't of course." I said then continued walking.

"You have no heart! That's why I hate girls they're all acting stupid! Oh wait they don't act stupid because they already are!" He said then run away.

Does he love me that much?...What the heck is that kids problem?

Nah I know he won't bite I mean he won't mind what I say he's just a kid,
and a kid don't understand what's happening to the world...

Right now I'm in front of Marcus's bedroom...

"I'm ready for action."

I hold the door knob then I twist it so slowly and then I opened the door quietly then...

"Oh hey maid Genevieve what brought you here?" Marcus asked.

I saw Marcus doing something in the bed...

"What the heck! Oh come on this
Is a mission impossible! My plan is already complete but I didn't realize that Marcus would be staying in his bedroom."

"What plan are you talking about?" He asked while his arms are crossed in his chest while looking at me like his about to kill me.

"Ma-mas-master Marcus, what are you doing in here?" I asked.

Oh why did I asked that question?! Stupid me!...

"Maid I should be the one to ask you that question, maid Genevieve what are you doing here and also why are you in the third floor, you don't have anything to do with the third floor remember? I told you you can stay at the second and first floor but not in third floor. Also did you use 'my' elevator?"

"Well yeah I use your elevator and about the third floor---"

"Oh please no need to reply to my questions because I already know the answers." He said. "Also the game you're playing is nice what is it again, clash of cash? Or something."

"I don't understand Marcus, I mean master Marcus. What are you talking about? You already know the answers?"

"You are a----"

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