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I looked down at the bouquet of roses in my hand. They were much nicer than the flowers we gave mom; Erin deserved the best. I had been trying to treat her every day since we found the lump. Some days it was flowers, some days it was chocolate. One time I found a recipe- one that was in "parts"- and cooked dinner for her. If I was short on cash I would just do whatever she wanted in bed- but that was treating myself too, really.
So today it was roses. I hoped she liked them. I hoped she knew how much I was trying to cherish every moment and make her happy.
When I got home, she was beaming. Her whole face was lit up. Even her lilac hair seemed to be bouncing. I hadn't seen her this happy in a while.
"You look pleased," I smiled, giving her a kiss.
"I just got a phone call from the hospital."
I clutched the flowers tightly, the thorns digging into my fingers, "and?"
She grinned, nodding, "I'm fine."
"Really?" I gasped.
"Yeah. It's a cyst. Just a cyst, they can get rid of it."
I threw my arms around her, squeezing her tight, breathing a sigh of relief. I couldn't help but cry tears of joy, "I'm so happy for you," I mumbled into her hair.
"Happy for us," she corrected, kissing me, "and you can stop with all these presents, cause I'm not going anywhere."
I shrugged, handing her the flowers, "well I got these anyway. You might as well have them."
"Oh they're beautiful," she sniffed them.
"Not as beautiful as you," I brushed her hair out of her face, "not by a long shot."
"God you're soppy sometimes." She sat the flowers on the table and came towards me again, running her hands down my waist, "I love you... so much."

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