Chapter Sixteen: Not What It Looks Like

Start from the beginning

"I tried being a waitress once, didn't work out to well." I laughed, picturing Emily knocking things over and spilling food on guests.

"LETS GO BITCHES!!" Cameron said, bursting out of the house with his gym bag. Everyone else followed, as we drove to the stadium.

I felt my mouth fall open once we got there. The stadium was huge! Well, it was probably the normal size, but I've never seen one in person so....

Once we parked, we headed to entrance. Cameron showed the security his ID and his uniform and we just gave him our tickets. Apparently the security needed to know basically EVERYTHING about the players before they played.

It was like going through customs at an airport.

The security asked Cameron about and recent injuries, allergies and all that. I swear we were going to stand there for hours.

But, it ended quicker than I thought and Cameron came to join us to say goodbye before the game. Everyone hugged him and wished him good luck.

"Good luck Dallas." I said, hugging him. Everyone went to go find our seats so it was just Cameron and I. "Even though I know you don't need it."

I kissed him on the check, and walked away. He just sort of stood there, looking at me go. I could feel his eyes on the small of my back as I weaved my way through the crowd.

I turned a corner and jumped as I saw Emma standings there. I put my hand over my heart. "Jesus!" I screamed, still shocked. "You scared the shit out of me!"

Emma just sat there squealing. "What?" I asked, raising an eyebrow to my friend. "YOU GAVE A KISS TO CAMERON!! AAANNND GRACE TOLD ME WHAT HAPPENED THIS MORNING!! YOU GUYS ARE SO IN LOVE!!" She squealed, making everyone stare at us.

I felt the heat rush to my cheeks. "Pfff... I don't LOVE him. He's a good friend to me. Like a brother." Emma glared at me. "Ooohhhh no you don't." She said, crossing her arms. "NO FRIEND ZONING!"

I rolled my eyes. "I'm not friend zoning. I'm just saying I don't love him. I mean, before a couple of months ago, we didn't even talk to each other!" I said, trying to get Emma to stop being so delusional with her crazy fangirly ships.

"You can't love someone you barely even know." I retorted. She scoffed. "Please, you know basically everything about him!"

"I do not!!" I argued.

"Favourite colour?" She asked me. "I am not going to answer thi-"


"Green and Blue."

"Middle name?"

"Alexander, even you know that. I don't even see what this proves Emma." I retorted, wanting this to end.

"It proves you know more than you think." She said, smiling at me. "THOSE WERE THE EASIEST QUESTIONS THOUGH!!" I said, throwing my hands up in the air.

By now, everyone was staring.

I blushed again as I grabbed Emma's hand. "Lets go find our seats." I said, dragging her away. "You mean cheer on your bae?!" She asked, giggling.

I groaned. I don't know if I'll survive this tournament with Emma being like this.

"Shutup, Emma."

Hey guys! I'm super proud of how this chapter turned out! Sorry for the other one, I was sort of blank with ideas but now I know what I'm going to do!

Question Time! (Since I haven't done that in literally forever):

Who do you most relate to in this book?

Who's your favourite ship?

On a scale of  1- Emma, how much do you ship Sameron?

Don't forget to favourite, comment and follow!! I love you all SOOOOO much!!

Waaaayyy more than Sameron, and yes, that's a lot.

Thanks for reading this chapter! Have an amazing day/night!! <3



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