Broken hearts.

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Ok so I'm almost done! Sorry fir the ending lol.


Anna's POV

We all slowly got up and got dressed. I can't believe she died yesterday. Tina and dad wanted to tell the school so they could get it over with. We all decided to go to school while Greg, Anderson, and Rianne go to pick up the gang from the airport.

I didn't really feel good so I just threw on some sweats and put my hair up. I went downstairs in Ezeras house and saw everyone looked the same. Bags under their eyes, messy hair, and sweats.

Tina and Demetri put the kids in their car and the rest if us got in our cars. I was surprised when Trent offered to drive me but I needed to be alone.

We pulled in the school with all a eyes on us as usual. I help Tina get the twins out then gave them back. We started walking in but of course people had to ruin the peace. Izzie or whatever her name was came up to us with a group of the populars.

We all stood next to each other and had Demetri, Tina, and the twins behind us.

"Oh you had to bring your parents to school with you. Boo hoo. Where's that little slut Ezera I be-" she didn't even have time to finish what she was gonna say. I punched her in the face and grabbed her by her hair.

"If you ever and I mean ever speak about Ezera again I will personally make sure you six feet under. Got it." I dropped her and she wimpered. We all walked away and went to the office where there was a little old Secretary.

"Hi how can I help you." She beamed at us.

"We'd like to take Ekaterina Moore off the school list." Demetri said in a low voice.

"Yes Ok may I ask why" she said this and the principle just stepped out of his office with a that one slutty teacher. He walked over to us.

"Is there something going on" He asked.

"They'd like to unenroll Ekaterina Moore." The Secretary still seemed happy.

"Um she-She died yesterday." Tina choked out.

"Oh my" the Secretary started to grab random papers.

"How?" The principle looked sad.

"The doctor said that she had ptsd. She woke up from her coma and there was another shooting and it set her off. She had another seizure then died from a heart attack." Demetri's voice was just above a whisper.

"Well then I guess we'll have an assembly today. Would you guys like to be there?" He asked and we all nodded.

He told us and some staff to go to the gym on stage while he made an announcement for the assembly.

We sat there and watched all the kids come in talking and yelling, having fun. I could help but feel a pang if hurt in my chest. None if us never got to have a.normal life.

The Principe, Mr. Thomas walked in and told everyone to sit down. All the kids were looking at us weird. Propobly wondering why all of us, Tina, dimitri, and the twins were on stage.

"Everyone quite down I have an announcement" He looked a little sad.

"No shit why else would we be here?" A random kid yelled.

"Ugh." He rolled his eyes and went back to the mic.

"Yesterday a student of ours died."everyone started whispering.

"Ekaterina Ezera Moore died yesterday from a heart attack. We all know how she had a seizure two months ago and went into a coma. Well yesterday morning she woke up. She had ptsd from when her fiancce, Donovan, was killed. Something triggered that and she had another seizure. When the goy her seizure under control she had a heart attack. Today we have her family and friends here" He turned to us and put the Mic away from his face.

"Would you like to say something" Emmett git up and took the Mic.

"As you all know I'm her twin brother that used to bully her. I regret ever hating her. She was such a great person. I wanted to take accountability fir all that I did and you guys should too. All you and me bullied her. We picked on her so bad that she had to move to England to get away. Its our fault. It's my fault. She would still be alive if I wasn't such a dick but I can't take it back. I will always love her and now me and all of you have to live with the guilt of sending her over the edge. " his voice cracked a little. He walked away with tears in his eyes. I got up next and grabbed the Mic.

"You know I dont blame Emmett too much. If she never would have went to England she would have never had these beautiful twins. I had only met her a few months ago. She accepted me as her sister and she didn't even know me. She may have done bad things but on the inside she was a great person." I walked away and saw Tina crying. I gave her a hug and sat down.

"You are all dismissed." He said and turned to us.

"You guys are exused from school."

We all got up and git in the car. We called Greg, Rianne, and Anderson to drop off the gang and come meet us.

We pulled in and saw that the got here before us. We got out and greeted each other.

We walked into the ice cream parlor together. The one were she had a seizure at. We saw the guy who was there when she seized. We all ordered and sat down.

He came over with our ice cream and gave us sad looks.

"If you don't mind me asking, what happend to the girl that was with you guys" He seemed unsure and nervous.

"She died" I said flatly and turned away. He slowly walked away.

We all git up and went to the beach. We sat down at the picnic table and just looked Into the ocean.


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