Fuck age.

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Its been a week since we.went to the mall and already Anderson and Rianne have gone on 3 dates. I'm so proud. I haven't Rianne since we met but I know he's.not lying.

We are currently in our period.be for lunch. Mike, Reese, Devon, Nathaniel, Gabe, Zach, Max, Dylan and Smith have lunch.detention because they were being stupid and started yelling at the teacher. Retarded kids I tell you. Me and Anna were really excited for.lunch because Anderson, Greg and Rianne are gonna come see us. I've been trying to find Greg a.girl but.he is so.picky. but they were coming.to pick us up.since today was Anna's birth day.


I was snapped out of my thoughts by the bell. Anna practically dragged me and the guys.out of the class. We walked into the cafeteria and sat at our usual table. My brother and his friends were already there and messing.g around.

"Harley what are you doing?" He was exersist. He had his back bent and he was stretching his.legs.to his.head.

"I'm trying to see.if I can.touch my.head with my.foot." he lost balance.and fell.

"Dumbass" I snorted and checked my phone. I had a.text d Rom Greg saying that they.were.almost there.and.it was.ten minutes ago.

"Ezzzzzy" I head someone scream and saw Anderson shouting and Rianne and Greg laughing. He for real sounded like a girl. He was being dramatic so I thought I would too.

"Annnndyyyyyy".I screamed and ran over to him. I jumped I.to a hug and he caught me. He spun me around like we hadn't seen each other in years. Everyone in the.cafeteria was staring at us. My.table had gotten up and walked over.to us laughing.

"Haha ha hey kiddo" he put me down.

"Kiddo you the one that.sounds like a teenage girl." I said and walked over to Greg and gave him a hug.

"Oh m g Rianne it's been like for-ever since I saw you." Said in my.best valley girl impression.

"I know like I totally like missed you like.." she said following my lead.

"Oh shut.up and hug me." I said and tackled her into a hug.

"Hey birthday girl ready to party?" Anderson said while fist pumping the air.

"GREG!"someone yelled and.we all saw Trent walking.over.to us along with his little crew.

"Fuck" I heard Elijah whisper.

"Greg where are you going?" Trent asked.

"Out" Greg said in a shrug.

"With them?" He.said disgusted.

"We went over this tks morning. I won't be back so your gonna stay at one of your.little slits houses.

"What's happening".Rianne whispered.

"Oh that's Greg's little brother." I whispered back.

"What the fuck.are you whispering about slut?" He snapped at me.

"Do you wanna say that again. I see that you nose healed so I wont mind breaking it again." I spit at him.

"I'm Soo confused. ".Rianne whispered.

"Oh is this a new whore of yours" he said but this.time to Rianne.

Anderson stepped forward but I held him back.

"Don't.you can go to jail" I said then turned to Trent.

"You never learn do you.?" I threw.a punch and land red it right on his nose.

He bend down a.little so I grabbed the back of his neck and slammed his face in someone's mac-n-cheez. He fell down and I kicked him on the stomach. I grabbed his collar and held him up. I pulled out my gun and pointed it at his head.

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