What have I done.

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I woke up feeling like shit. I looked around me and saw I was in a really nice modern looking room. I felt a arm around my waist that was pulling me to them. I looked up at the person and they looked back at me. Our eyes widened. Shit the.person next to me wasn't Donovan.

It was Greg.

"No.No.No. " I said while Greg said.

"No. Holy Fucking shit."

I looked down in the blankets and saw we were naked. I screamed and jumped out of the bed nit caring that I was naked. I grabbed a random shirt on the floor and put it on. I saw flashes of last nigh go through my head.

"No. No. Ezera this can't happen." He panicked and jumped out of bed throwing some sweat pants on.

"Really Greg I never thought of that. I'm with Donovan. Plus I'm 17, you 24 Greg. You could go to jail if anyone found out." I started hyperventilating.

"Shit Ez what are we gonna do. We have to figure something out. I can't go to jail. Fuck. How did this happen.?" Hwen he sais that I remembered to bartender.

"FUCK." I screamed and kicked a random dresser sending everything on it flying off.

"Chill you don't need to destroy my shit right now."

"I don't know what you want me to do right know. I'm freaking out. We have to tell Donovan."

"Tell Donovan what." Emmett said as him and Anderson walked in. They saw us and froze.

"Holy shit. What happened last night."

"Shhh." I ran to the door and shut it.

"We don't know. We slept together last night. I dint even remember how we got here tho."

"We dont either. I don't remember anything from last night. "Anderson said still in shock.

"No last night I remember seeing the bartender put something in our drinks." I shook my.head.and crossed my arms,

"Ok well Ez please.put some pants on before I do something I regret. Again" Greg said.and I nodded and grabbed a pair of his sweatpants from his drawer.

"What are you guys gonna do. I mean Greg can get arrested since your only 17." Emmet cut in looking worried.

"I know but I have to tell Donovan. " they nodded and we all went around the.house trying to find him.

We went to a guest room and opened the door. My jaw dropped. I saw Anna and Donovan tangled in blankets. It looked.like the just woke up. They saw us and Anna screamed and jumped out of bed putting.some.clothes on.

"Holy shit babe I'm so sorry. I do.t know what happened last night." He said with a blanket wrapped around his waist not looking very sorry.

"Just save it. You don't have to worry." I looked at.Anna to see her looking at me really guilty like she.just.killed my dog in front of me.

"Don't worry I fucked Greg last night."

"You what!" He looked at Greg angered. He stepped.towards Greg but Emmett jumped in.front of him and punched Donovan in the face.

"Oh save it you didn't even drink that much last night. You only had a beer. You may have.gotten a little drunk but not enough to cheat.!".Damn I haven't seen him this mad on a.while.

"Anna, She couldn't even walk. " I was about to pounce on him but wrapped his arms around me to calm me down.

"You are kidding me. I really didn't want to hurt you. I felt bad because I.didn't want to fuck up you relationship. I regretted sleeping with her but now I'm kind of glad I did. We found out how much.of a dick.you are."

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