Clace (Jace X Clary)

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Originally created: 3/27/16
Clace (Jace X Clary)
Fandom: The Mortal Instruments

WHO ELSE GOT LADY MIDNIGHT WHOOP WHOOP (I actually got it on the eighth when it came out so hA)

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WHO ELSE GOT LADY MIDNIGHT WHOOP WHOOP (I actually got it on the eighth when it came out so hA)

I'm so sorry I've been inactive lately. I've been busy, and I have writers block. I don't want to write anything crappy just to throw out there, so when I get an idea that's good, I use that idea. :) Thanks for understanding, guys.

It was a typical spring day, and Clary was outside. She was leaning against a tree, sketchbook and pencil in hand. Ever since she became a Shadowhunter, she hasn't gotten the time to draw. What better than to draw Jace? She immediately pictured him, and her thoughts were soon transferred to paper.
"Watcha drawin' ?" A voice said behind Clary. "You," she responded without looking behind herself. Jace came out from behind the tree, and sat next to her. His arm snaked around Clary's waist as she sketched the features of his face some more. Suddenly, Jace gently took the pencil put of her hand, and the sketchbook as well. Then, he kissed her. Their lips moved in sync, and eventually, they pulled apart. Clary smiled at Jace, who was also smiling.
"I love you,"
"I love me too."
"Oh, shut up."

I'm so sorry it's short and sucks guys. I've had no inspiration for the past couple of weeks. Also, it doesn't help that I have been very busy and very tired lately.


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